Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Art Of Brevity In Writing

This week I was asked by my professor to give a presentation summarizing my entire project in just one PowerPoint slide. It...

Transform Your Life with These Ayurveda Tips

We have all heard of about Ayurveda and its numerous health benefits, but not many of us are utilising this 5,000 years old healing...

5 Common Mental Problems Students Face and How to Stay Away from Them

College– a word that mostly carves a fun picture of youngsters making moments that will stay forever in their hearts as happy memories. However,...
Martial Rape

Is Marriage A Contract For Legal Rape?

Nineteen-year-old Noura Hussein is sentenced to death for stabbing her rapist. Worse, her rapist is her husband of three years. Hussein, upon getting forcibly...
cover pic aus uniforms

No Gender Based Uniforms in Aus School

Don’t I wish I were studying in Newtown High School of the Performing Arts and this happened a few years ago! I’ll tell you what...
indian passport

India Ranks 87th On Passport List: What It Means

Recently, the Henley Passport Index came out with its list revealing the most powerful (and the least powerful) passports in the world....
primary education

Primary Education in India will be a Game Changer with these Futuristic Trends

As the population of India exploded, the youth occupies the largest share in the demographics of India which make education the most vivacious aspect...

Resurfx- A Lunch Time Treatment

  With ever-growing stress, bad lifestyle and even with the normal ageing, we face many skin irregularities such as wrinkles, blemishes, uneven tone, acne scars....
Tata Nano

‘World’s cheapest Car’ Tata Nano to be discontinued from 2019

Tata Nano manufacturers Tata motors have confirmed that the Nano car is near extinction. The company confirmed that the 10 year old car “in...

Understanding The Law of Attraction And The Power of Manifestation

The word ‘manifestation’ has been used a lot in the past few years, and has started to gain a lot of popularity...