10 Words Ending With ‘Ism’ Which Are Also Concepts You Must Know

Image Credits: LADbible

English is a vast language and is one of the most used languages across the globe. It does not just help us put our thoughts into words for communicating, but also helps define concepts that hold immense relevance, especially in contemporary times.  Out of the many many words in the language, there are words in English having a suffix ‘ism’ that define crucial concepts and theories. To give a simple example, words like ‘Hinduism’, ‘Sikhism’, ‘Buddhism’ and ‘Jainism’ are not just mere words, but some of the biggest religions of the world. 

The words with suffix ‘ism’ are, however, not just restricted to them, but are joined with a wide pool of terms that explain yet other concepts. These are words and concepts that we must know and understand the meaning of. 

Here are 10 most common and relevant words ending with ‘ism’ that you must know:  


The word describes the theory or belief of engaging and pursuing pleasure or self-indulgence as an important part of life. Simply described, hedonism is engaging self in activities that provide extreme pleasure, satisfaction. 

This term might seem like a simple one but can have bitter effects in one follows it beyond the normal limit. 


More of a disorder than a concept, Narcissism is a personality disorder in a person that makes him feel too high of himself. A narcissist has a high and elated sense of self. He/she is always self-obsessed and full of himself. 


Jingoism is a nature of nationality that is pure aggressive patriotism towards the nation. Jingoists usually have a warlike foreign policy and focus more on disrupting and destructing other nation’s growth and development. Jingoism, along with patriotism, comes with hate for another country.  


Cynicism is a behavioral trait where a person lacks faith and shows distrust towards others and their motives. A cynic believes that people are only motivated by personal need, greed, desire, ambition, and self-interest. 


It is a doctrine or theory that promotes that taking of decisions and actions believed to be of benefit and wellbeing of the larger group of people. Any action that maximizes happiness and growth of a larger community is often considered to be ethical under the doctrine of Utilitarianism. 


In simple terms, altruism is generosity. It is a trait of putting the well being of others before self. Someone who is altruistic in nature shows immense concern and love for others and works towards making others happy. 


It is a belief that considers wars, the use of weapons against each other and bloodshed, futile. It is a belief that all problems can be resolved by conducting peaceful discussions and taking decisions that benefit and help both parties equally.


Familism is a social structure/ practice of placing the interest and well being of the family before the individual interest of its members for the larger good of the family. In such kind of a social structure, the values of the family are placed on the highest level and take precedence over the personal beliefs and interests of the individual family members. 


A theory wherein a person not just chooses to believe and adheres to the teachings and principles of a particular caste but also holds prejudice or discriminates on the grounds of caste. 


It is a way adopted by someone to say a particular thing to someone in a softer or mild tone which otherwise would sound harsh and offensive. This approach is usually used when an unpleasant or bad news/decision is to be conveyed to someone. 

While these were just a few words ending with ‘ism’, there are many others that are worth knowing about. If you have one such word in mind which is not mentioned above, do let us know in the comments section!


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