Monday, June 17, 2024
Coming Out Of Closet

Coming Out Of The Closet As A Teen

Coming out isn’t an easy process, and there is no one way or ‘right’ way to do it. However, only one rule applies –...
Winter Solstice

It’s Winter Solstice: Shortest Day And Longest Night Of The Year Has Arrived

Today the calendar doesn’t mark just any other 21st December but marks the longest night of the year. Yes! Its the Winter...

E-learning: A Bridging Gap Between Quality Education And The Rural

Technology is the king of the current world. It is something we just cannot do without. Technology today has extended its hands...
Climate Action

Climate Change Requires Climate Action. What Action Have You Taken?

Over the last decade, awareness regarding the importance of climate action has finally reached people’s doors and yet, there remains a lack...
Indian army

Progress Of The Indian Army For Inducting Women In Combat Zones

If you dig out history, you will come across many sheroes who have not just fought valiantly for their lives, but also...
Online Safety

Schools In Mumbai Act To Ensure Online Safety For Students

The kind of problems the youth had back then were different and much less as compared to the problems the youth undergo...
ed-tech startups

Ed-tech Startups: A Highway Towards Rich Quality Education For India

Since ages, the Indian education system has been following rigid methods of educating the students. Right from the tender age of 5,...
education 4.0

Decoding Education 4.0 For A Successful Education System In India

Right from ancient times, education has always held prominence in India. Through the years, the learning-teaching methods have kept changing. However, there...
life insurance policy

Here’s Why You Need A Robust Life Insurance Plan

Have you ever bought life insurance? If no, then you need to educate yourself about the process because knowing everything from a...

Legal Remedies Available Against Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is defined by UNICEF as bullying that occurs through the use of digital technologies. It can occur on social media platforms,...