The historic 41129 crore Swaraj Budget: DECODED

New Delhi: AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal with party leader Manish Sishodia during the party's victory rally at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Wednesday after the party's good show in Delhi Assembly polls. PTI Photo by Kamal Singh(PTI12_11_2013_000183B)

Today is a historic day for India. The ambitious 41129 crore Swaraj Budget unveiled key improvements and allocations to multiple sectors in the economy.


Swaraj Budget highlights

Swaraj Budget










  1. CCTV cameras to be installed in all government schools.
  2. Students to be provided collateral-free loans up to Rs. 10 lakh for higher education, at lower interest rates.
  3. Cash-strapped municipal corporations to get Rs. 5,908 crore.
  4. Rs. 4787 crore allocated for health. 100 new hospitals to be added under Private Public Partnership (PPP) model.
  5. No new tax and no increase in VAT and other taxes on essential goods.
  6. 10,000 new buses, CCTV cameras in all DTC buses and cluster buses (private buses that operate on DTC routes) in the city to ensure safety of women.
  7. Rs. 3,656 crore allocated for reviving and beautifying river Yamuna.

Text Source : NDTV



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