Get ready to take a Detour

Get ready to take a Detour

Conceived 8 years ago, Detour is Jai Hind BMM’s annual inter-collegiate festival. It has been synonymous with the words ‘bigger’ and ‘better’ with every passing year. This year however, we’ve reached an absolutely new high and embraced the inevitable change that eventually befalls every endeavour.

To keep ahead of the curve, we are going to give everyone a taste of the ever-changing world of Mass Media. With events such as Sports Journalism, Crime Reporting and Food Blogging, we have tried to cover every avenue in the real world.  We strive to create an atmosphere of healthy competition to unearth the talent in the participating colleges.

In addition to competitive events, we also have a bunch of creative and analytical workshops that will add productively to the skill set of the participants. The fun is only about to begin. See you there on the 11th, 12th and 13th of December.


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