Trump will NOT make President: Obama

Trump will NOT make President: Obama

At a news conference in California after a meeting with Southeast Asian leaders, Obama gave a strong statement on Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. “I continue to believe Trump will not be president”, says Obama, because he believes American people are too “sensible” to elect him.

He went on to tell the reporters,  “…the reason is that I have a lot of faith in the American people. Being president is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show, or a reality show. It’s not promotion, it’s not marketing. It’s hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right.”

Obama wonders if Trump is ready to be a commander in chief, judging by his actions and the responsibilities a president has to take care of. He says, “Whoever’s standing where I’m standing right now has the nuclear codes with them, and can order 21-year-olds into a firefight, and (has) to make sure that the banking system doesn’t collapse, and is often responsible for not just the United States of America, but 20 other countries that are having big problems, or are falling apart and are going to be looking for us to something.”

At an event in Beaufort, South Carolina when asked about this, Trump responded saying that he takes it as a ‘great compliment’ and backlashes saying, “He (Obama) has done such a lousy job as president.”

While Trump continues criticising everything about Obama, the latter believes “the American people are pretty sensible; they’ll make a sensible choice in the end.”


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