Studying Away From Home? These Room Decor Ideas Will Make You Feel Homely

room decor
Photo by Slava Keyzman on Unsplash

Flying off to a new place to study or work is exciting. New people, place, culture, food, and above all, moving into a new home especially without your loved ones is overwhelming. Stepping outside your comfort zone is definitely not easy. Regardless of this, you choose to take this big step because of the determination of achieving your career goals. But this doesn’t stop you from missing your home. Sure, new friends can fill the void to a certain extent, but what about when you return to an empty room filled with the absence of familial warmth? You can change this a bit by adding certain elements of room decor to your house and make yourself feel at home. 

Convinced, aren’t you? So dig in to find some easy room decor ideas that might just make living in a new place, without your family, a little simpler. 

Build A Photowall

Android phones and other electronic devices have surely made storing images easier for all but the charm of printed photos is irreplaceable. Watching your cherishable memories with your loved ones on the wall helps settles a different kind of comfort in the heart. Building a photowall is one room decor idea that you must invest the most in. It’s the kind that will make you feel as if your friends and family are by your side. 

Use Shawls As Curtains 

Isn’t it a great idea to carry some of your mother’s shawls with you so that you feel some kind of proximity to her? You can bring with you 4-5 shawls and use them as curtains. Not only will they serve the purpose but also give an aesthetic look to your room making it decorative and homely. 

Invest In A Houseplant 

Growing a plant adds a positive feel to the whole vibe of the house. Besides, they too are living beings and thus have a certain ability to understand basic emotions like love and care. You can bring and befriend at least one plant at home and have a mini family away from your family. Jasmine, Money Plant, Spider Plant, Peace Lily, etc are some plants that you can easily grow in your room. Make sure you keep it at a place where it gets abundant sunlight. 

Let Fairy Lights Do Magic At Night 

A combination of white and yellow fairy lights will add a beautiful luminescent touch to your room, especially at night. You can use these fairy lights to decorate your photo wall, mirror, and the roof above your bed. Dim yellow lights always help the mind slip into a calm, cozy and lul state, making one feel comfortable. 

Make The Room Colourful 

Ditch the dull colours like black or even peach and cream. These shades will just make your mood dull and gloomy. Instead, choose colours that beam with life and positivity. Make use of bright colours like Yellow, Red, Purple, Leaf Green, Sky or Ocean Blue. Let these colours dominate your room and watch the magic for yourself. Pick furniture that is brightly coloured. The little colourful home accessories like bottles, glasses, pen stands, journals, pens, combs, charging cables, lotion bottles, coasters, dream catchers, etc. too can brighten up your room. 

Use Pastel Colours For Bedding Accessories

Sound sleep is extremely crucial for overall mental as well as physical health. Make sure you invest in bedding that ensures good sleep. Use bedsheets, quilts/blankets, and pillows that are of cool and pastel colours instead of bright ones. Bright colours stimulate the mind keeping it awake. This is the reason why most beddings are either white or cool in colour. Using pastel colours will balance out everything else that’s bright in the room striking a perfect balance. 

Bed Lamp 

A small lamp by the side of the bed adds a more homely feel to the room. You can always ditch the bright lights of the room and choose to spend some time only in the lamp’s light and create a pleasant setting. Have you ever tried reading in bed lamp light? It’s one fun activity, try it!

A Mini Study Table

Having a small study area/corner just like you had back at home will complete your room decor process. Make sure you pick out the correct table and chair that go with the rest of your room’s furniture and accessories. Support your table with small wallboard where you can pin up positive quotes and other important to-do lists. Adding some quirk to your study table will make studying a little fun.  

We all know that home is always where the heart is. No matter wherever you reside, it is important for your heart to be happy in that place. So even if you stay in a hostel or a rented flat with few of your college friends, you can always make your room a safe haven away from your home, by setting it up the right way. For that to happen, invest efforts in bringing these room decor ideas to life and fill that heart with nothing but comfort and warmth. 


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