“Millennials are lazy”, “Generation Z won’t look up from their phones”, “Baby boomers don’t care” such statements are only adding fuel to the cross-generational feud of boomers versus millennials and Gen Z. Every generation has got its own set of stereotypes. However, boomers don’t seem to agree to a majority of them, which proves those stereotypes to be just about accurate.
The baby boomers, as of now, are approximately between 56 – 76 years old. So there is no denying the fact that almost every single one of them engage in the conversation of “kids these days…” Boomers have become so comfortable living inside their bubble that they turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the state of the world and to the protests of the younger generations. While millennials appreciate original and independent choices, boomers nitpick about them. They are set in their ways, are adamant and resist change most of the time. They refuse to change with time and embrace as well as force their age-old beliefs upon others. As the younger ones when we spend our time looking for solutions regarding social, economic, political and environmental problems, they spend their time denying the argument. Conversation with them has become utterly exhausting and that is exactly why the meme of “Okay Boomer” is trending. This two-word reply is a dismissal of the entire cross-generational debate.

“Ok Boomer‟ was, in fact, a response given by the millennial 25-year-old politician, Chloe Swarbrick‟ in the parliament of New Zealand, to a man who wouldn’t let her finish her speech regarding climate change. That is when the meme gained an outburst from the fellow boomers. The intensity of it was so much that the term “Okay Boomer‟ was considered ageist, derogatory and was made illegal to be used at workplaces. Further, considering the fact that it is actually the boomers who teach us to take full responsibility for our actions, I find their annoyance regarding this meme to be entirely ironic.

Boomers have definitely survived one of the hardest times on earth and their hard work is well respected. Also, we as a generation do not intend to blame them for all the bad that is happening around us. Nevertheless, the least that the younger generations expect from their side is to accept new decisions with an open mind. We expect them to understand that we do not preach fads and that they might be wrong at times. The LGBTQ community continues to spread love, both male and female feminists continue to rule their professions and mental health is being talked about more than ever. All changes do not bring dire consequences.
The younger generations will swear by the fact that the entire point of “Okay Boomer‟ was not of a rich kid shouting “Okay Boomer‟ through a screen on TikTok. It is a wake-up call. Instead of criticising and opposing the younger generations to deal with real-world issues, help them in doing so. That would end the feud right there. Or you could just come up with a better meme.