Top Courses Which Help To Upgrade Your Degree

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A wise man once said, “You live, you learn and you upgrade.” A simple yet vital lesson in life is the importance of constantly learning. Recent studies show that 54% of today’s Indian workforce need to reskill themselves and upgrade their degrees to meet industry requirements. With technology creating a new dawn for the economy today, the most important skills to have in one’s repertoire are IT skills. Not only are they important for tech-centric profiles but also in unrelated fields. Let’s look at a few courses that will help you upgrade your degree whether or not you are in the IT industry:

Data Analytics:

Data is in abundance in today’s world. Conversion of this data into insightful information is the differentiating factor for most organisations from their competitors in the industry. This conversion process involves knowledge of complex analytical tools and software applications which require special training or certification. Courses like this add great value to your existing degree and can set you apart from your peers.

Management Information Systems & Analytics:

A lot of this data that needs to be analysed in an organisation is often about its employees, financials, customer behaviour or competitors. Having a manual record of this kind of excessive data can be difficult and so a centralised system is required for data entry. Management Information Systems (MIS) is therefore, used across departments for easy collection of data. A course in MIS software and analysis is therefore, one of the top sought-after qualifications by recruiters.

Cyber Security:

Most of the information that is collected and analysed by organisations are often confidential and require high level of security from cyber-theft. Hackers of today are constantly upgrading themselves and breaking every new firewall created by an organisation. While cyber-security falls under an IT professional’s job role, a basic understanding of antivirus software and nuances of cyber security is important for any employee in an organisation. This makes it one of the most popular courses in the industry today.

Digital Marketing:

Courses like Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Advertising etc. are becoming almost a necessity for all non-tech related industries. An increase in internet penetration and smartphone adoption has led brands to venture into the virtual world to establish brand reputations and drive sales. Digital Marketing is not just an option but a necessity for any business and therefore, an important course to stay updated with in today’s world.

Depending on your base degree there are different small courses that one can opt for to stay relevant and upgrade the value of your CV. The formal education system often misses out on essential skills and relevant courses that keep up with the times. It takes a proactive student to identify what is missing in his skill set and venture into the plethora of options available to him to update himself. With the advent in technology and popularity of distance learning and responsive learning, such courses are now easier than ever to seek and learn.

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