Get Informed About HIV And Aids On The World Aids Vaccine Day

world aids vaccine day
Image Credits: Times Now

In spite of the efforts taken by the governments across the world, to educate the citizens about the STIs and the STDs, there are hardly a few who are aware of these. This is exactly why, 18th May 1997 was marked as the World Aids Vaccine Day by the former president of America, Bill Clinton. The World AIDS Vaccine Day is also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day.

The day was observed to challenge the world to set strong goals of coming up with an AIDS vaccine. From that year, on every 18th of May, communities across the world carry out various activities in order to spread awareness for AIDS vaccine, impart and share knowledge about ways to prevent HIV and other STIs.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) mostly occurs due to unprotected vaginal or anal sex. Other major causes of HIV are:

  • Sharing needles and syringes
  • From mother to baby
  • Sharing/using sex toys of someone suffering from HIV

HIV is not easily transmitted unless body fuilds like blood, semen, vaginal fluids including menstrual blood, breast milk, etc. of someone suffering from HIV gets into your blood. HIV does not spread through spitting, kissing, being bitten, being sneezed on, sharing showers, bath or cutlery, and using same toilets.

HIV infects the cells of the immune system that leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), which is a life threatening disease. According to the sources, around 38 people are said to be engulfed by HIV globally.

This World AIDS Vaccine Day, the least and simple precautionary steps that you can take are:

  • Get regular blood test done so that you don’t have to worry about catching infections that might lead to a major disease
  • Always have safe and protected sex to avoid the spread of HIV and AIDS.
  • Always get an HIV test done. Also, suggest your partner do the same.
  • Use a condom every time you have sex.
  • Make sure that when you visit a clinic for getting any tests done, a new needle or syringe is used on you.
  • HIV and AIDS is an alarming concern and shouldn’t be taken lightly by anyone. Make sure you take proper care and precautionary measures to stay safe and healthy.


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