Summer Skincare Tips For Those On The Go

summer skincare tips

It’s that time of the year again when the sun is out in all its glory! Although most of you may look forward to sporting that envious summer tan, it is also important to protect your skin from the sun’s harsh UV rays. Not everyone has the good fortune of summer holidays – working professionals or students on an internship. And getting to any place without potentially melting in this scorching heat is practically impossible. If you’re someone on the go, here are some basic skin care tips that may help you and your skin beat the heat –

  1. Always wear sunscreen

The oldest and foremost skincare tip that has been passed down from generations, sunscreen is probably the most effective method to maintain radiant, youthful skin. Sunscreen acts as a shield from the sun’s harmful UV rays, prevents premature ageing, lowers the risk of skin cancer, and prevents sunburn. More often, teenagers fail to realize the importance of sunscreen since they are more prone to skin troubles like acne, than adults are. If you are some with such skin concerns, invest in a sunscreen with SPF 50, otherwise SPF 30 will suffice. Do remember to keep re-applying if you’re going for a swim, if you have washed your face, or if you tend to sweat a lot. If you have oily skin, a gel-based sunscreen will work best for you, whereas dry to combination skin can go for a more moisturizing one.

  1. Use minimal makeup

While this one’s a given, it is okay to use as much makeup as you’d fancy, provided you’re not going to be out in the heat for a long time. Make up tends to clog pores, which is probably the worst thing that could happen to your skin at this time of the year. To cover any visible spots or troubled areas of your face, ditch the foundation and use a concealer with a good coverage. There are a lot of affordable products in the market with a number of shade ranges, so finding one that suits you shouldn’t be a task. Follow it up with a light layer of a setting powder or compact to keep the coverage locked in. Always set your face with a setting spray so that your makeup will not easily melt off. If you’re someone who wears makeup often, it is always advisable to apply sunscreen prior.

  1. Don’t skip the moisturizer

It is a common myth that a moisturizer is only required for dry climate. However, it is important to keep your skin hydrated in the scorching heat as well. However, you can get by with a lightweight moisturizer. You can do this as part of your cleansing-toning-moisturizing routine, preferably at night, since your skin will have sunscreen on during the day.

  1. Remember to take care of your eyes and lips

We often forget that the area around our eyes is very sensitive, so proper care should be taken to ensure that it is well maintained. A lot of face creams come with an instruction to ‘avoid usage around the eyes’, and rightfully so, they must be followed. Use an eye cream before going to bed, or even invest in eye care that targets specific problem areas. Additionally, just like your skin, your lips need to be moisturized. Lips are not restricted to getting chapped only in cold climate. For summer, try looking out for a lip balm that has a slight SPF in it. Even when it comes to lip products like lipsticks or glosses, it’s always good to ensure it has a certain SPF content.

  1. Eat right

Our food has a lot to do with how we look and the health issues we face. It is important to cut down on anything sweet, and avoid drinks with artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Instead, opt for fresh fruit juices or coconut water. Excess sugar is often associated with skin concerns. Ditch spicy foods for foods that are soothing to the stomach, like soups and salads. However, don’t deprive yourself of the occasional indulgence. It is also very important to keep your body well-hydrated, for which 8-10 glasses of water a day are a must.


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