Check! I’ve Emailed You Mistakes…


Mail writing is now included in most of the courses  as an essential part of the syllabus. In future all formal documentation will be sent strictly via email. The emergence of email has witnessed an unprecedented growth of a paper-less era. From admission forms, Curriculum Vitae, business documents to invitations – digital copies are considered acceptable and authentic.

Emails are the vital leg of formal communication and hence it is essential n to prioritize not only the copy but also visual design and format of the email. A factor to consider here is that the mail should not be erroneous. It is often the most common mistakes that can  ruin your goodwill and cost the company adversely.

So take a look at some of the most common mistakes, which are more bound to happen while writing an email. You can build a strong professional impression by writing a flawless email  by keeping in mind the following tips.

What about some ‘netiquettes’?

Following a code of conduct while writing digital formal letters goes a long way in making them coherent and clear, thereby increasing the chances of a positive response.

First and foremost, know where to insert the email addresses. The email starts with ‘To’ which is directed towards people who need to react to it. On the other hand, ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ are marked for people to whom the mail should be sent for a reference; no reaction or a reply is expected from them.

Don’t forget the recipient

The most common mistake done by many is entering an incorrect recipient. A good email can be rendered useless if it does not reach the intended person.  In case you forget to enter the recipient, Gmail gives a popped up reminder and pushes the mail to the drafts.

Gmail also reduces the risk of sending it to an incorrect address by  giving suggestions once you type the initial alphabets.  This implies only in case of a repeated recipient and not for the first timers.

Urgent mark messages

In situations when a message requires urgent attention or feedback, it is alright to mark emails as urgent. However, it is considered rude to mark emails as urgent and anticipate a reply ASAP if it is not necessary. It is advisable to be patient and follow up if the email has gone unattended.

Greetings to your error-free email

Starting the email without acknowledging or greeting the recipient is considered impolite. It is an essential to address the recipient  Hence it’s with a ‘Hello’, ‘Hi’ and ‘Dear’ etc.

Greeting the receiver, establishes proximity and prioritizes vocalics. The person appreciates the affability of the email and feels compelled to revert.

Subject matters

The subject of the email should be as concise as the subject of a letter–simple and self-explanatory. The recipient is a busy person hence he should be able to understand the gist of the email even before reading the copy.

Shield against the spam filter

Using words like ‘free’ ‘sale ’and ‘win’ that are often magnetic to the spam filter will dump your email in junk folder. When it comes to email, spam filters don’t allow promotional and advertising emails to irritate the user. These are often stowed away even before reaching the inbox. And before you know it, the email gets auto-deleted after a certain time interval. Hence any use of words listed in the filterer’s directory would hold back your email at the edge of the digital trash bin.

Conclude anticipating a reply

An abrupt ending would leave the reader wondering and unclear due to missing information. It is always advisable to end an email bringing the topic to a conclusion. This will ensure a much needed response or call to action.

Expressing gratitude with a simple thank you towards the end to the recipient for shelling out time and reading the email would do wonders to  form a favourable impression.

Wait! Attachments missing?

Often we are in such a hurry to send the compiled assignment that you end up sending the email without any documents attached.  In such a scenario, you can resend the attachment in a reply email and apologize for it. However, prevention is better than cure. You may attach the document first and then work on the email copy.

A lot of people access emails on-the -go on their smart phone and hence it is advisable to limit the size of the attachments.

No harm in being polite?

Another vital pillar of email writing is clear, polite language and clean format. It is this element that helps make the recipient form a quick first impression.

The act of always being thankful and willing to revert is essential Use the right words and coherent language . Also, maintain a positive overall tone by avoiding negative statements.


It is very important to bear these basic things in mind as we are living in a world where corporate image is everything. A miscommunicated word or gesture can certainly lead to disruption. Be extremely cautious when writing an email. While it is human to make errors, it takes a responsible mind to avoid mistakes as much as possible.


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