Your Handbag Must Have’s

10 things every girl needs to have in her bag

For the times when you’re running late for work and need to pack your bag in a hurry, don’t forget to dump these essentials in it or else your day may just end up being cursed! *no kidding*

Red & Pink Lipstick/Lip Gloss

It helps you  transition from the office to the bar in no time

red lipstick

A pack of tissues

Because no-one, just no-one looks good with a sweaty forehead


Hand Mirror

(Obviously) You don’t want to be spotted with spinach in your teeth.

Spinach in teeth

A cute notebook

To jot down your to-do list and little musings through the day.

Notebook writing

A Hair brush

Keeps your hair always meeting-ready

Hair brushing

Charger, Cell phone and Headphones

Who would even think of leaving the house without these?

Cell phone and charger

Reading Glasses and Novel

To kill those hours of boredom waiting for someone to turn up

Reading glasses and novel

An extra Sanitary napkin

For those 7 days of the month



Quick cleanser for after gorging on those oily chips


Hair clips/rubber bands

For times you want to look professional and neat with your hairstyle

hair clip and rubber bands


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