Winter Pollution Is Giving Rise To Ailments: How To Protect Yourself?

winter pollution
Image Credits: Pexels

After the dreadful summer season and October heat, winter is finally setting in. It is officially the season of hot chocolate! Winter this time, however, is not the same as every year. It has brought with it winter pollution which has given rise to multiple health issues. Those living in metro cities especially must take extra care of their health. 

Every 3 out of 4 people in urban areas are complaining about common health issues like sore throat, joint and muscle pain, flu, respiratory concerns, skin itching, etc. that come along with winter and winter pollution.  

Pollution is said to stay for a long time during winter than summer. The reason behind this is that cold air is denser which makes its movement is slower than warm air. Due to this, the cold air traps the pollution keeping it in the atmosphere. Thus, air pollution in winter remains in place for a longer duration.

Winter coupled with pollution is said to affect the health of people. This is the reason why the human body requires more nourishment during the season. So how should we take care and protect ourselves in winter?

Skin is the most affected of all due to harsh, biting and dry winds. Here are a few basic skin care tips to follow 

  • Cover your face with a scarf every time you step out to keep the pollutants from sitting on your skin
  • Wash your face clean after coming home. This will wash away all the dust and pollutants that may have sat on the surface of your skin. 
  • Make sure you moisturise your skin sufficiently to provide it with proper nourishment and keep dry skin away. 
  • Drink an ample amount of water to keep the skin hydrated. 
  • Make use of face serums. Use Retinol, Vitamin C or ferulic acid-based face serums as they do wonders to repair polluted skin.

What can you do to protect your hair during winter?

Just like pollutants can damage the skin, they can damage the hair as well as the scalp. Similarly, harsh winds lead to hair dryness giving rise to hair issues like breakage and hair knots. To tackle these problems you can: 

  • Make use of headscarves when you step out that can cover your hair and scalp and avoid pollutants from entering. 
  • If you dislike using scarves for your hair, take the help of hair serums. Hair serums form a thin covering layer over the hair and keep away toxic gases and other urban pollutants.
  • You must also wash your hair twice or thrice a week to keep the scalp clean from pollutants and dust. 
  • Further, treating yourself to a keratin hair spa is also a good way to protect your hair from winter pollution.  

In addition to protecting your skin and hair, it is also essential to take care of your overall health. This can be done by adopting the right diet. Consume hot and soothing liquids like healthy soups, kadhas or herbal teas. They help boost the immunity system and fight common winter health concerns like the flu. Munching on dry fruits like Almonds, Walnuts and Dates will also help. They are loaded with nutrients and help keep the body warm. Ensure you maintain a balanced diet and avoid eating more junk or greasy foods as they lead to increased weight, especially in winter. 


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