World Photography Day Special: Top 5 photographers to follow on Instagram

Victoria Siemer photography

On the eve of World Photography Day, we can’t help but thank all the beautiful minds behind their lenses that need to be credited to make photography all the more enthralling. It was Walt Disney who rightly said that pictures are the best inventions endowed to human kind and we couldn’t agree more. Take a sneak peek at these photographers whom you need to be following on your Instagram right now and you’ll understand the potentiality of good photography for yourself!

Victoria Siemer

Instagram feed: @witchoria

Victoria Siemer photography

Brooklyn-based Victoria Siemer has an abstract style, with supernatural overtones. The photographer – who goes by the name of Witchoria – has racked up thousands followers with her atmospheric images. explores the idea of fractured landscapes through photo manipulations and collages. Siemer makes use of reflected geometric shapes suspended over gloomy natural landscapes shrouded in fog and clouds resulting in portal-like mirrors. She says much of her work is guided by the idea of emotional fragmentation and “fragmentation of the self.”

Scott Rankin

Instagram feed: @othellonine

Scott Rankin's photography

Scott Rankin applies a keen eye for form and symmetry to both man-made and natural landscapes found in his native British Columbia. A realtor by trade, Rankin says his interest in photography was sparked when he joined Instagram in 2011. In the short time since, he has amassed an impressive collection of images that capture the muted tones of the Pacific Northwest with what he describes as “a penchant for near-minimalism.”

Simone Bramante

Instagram feed: @brahmino

Simone Bramante's photography

Simone Bramante captures magical landscape imagery, often featuring human subjects. He describes himself as a storyteller first and a photographer second on his Instagram page – and is beautiful photographs are testiment to that. The Instagram photographs of this talented photographer, who creates some beautiful photographs with just an iPhone, defying gravity capturing people in the air with incredible finesse and energy.

Janske Kaethoven

Instagram feed: @janske

Janske Kaethoven

Artfully crafted still lifes and thoughtful, narrative landscapes are hallmarks of Janske Kaethoven’s Instagram feed. A longtime, avid amateur photographer, Kaethoven lives in Flanders, Belgium, and populates her feed with images from both her iPhone and top-end Nikon D800. When shooting with the former she typically fires up the popular Camera+ app to take the photograph and does what she describes as minor contrast and brightness adjustments using Snapseed or VSCO Cam. Although Kaethoven prefers to let her work speak for itself, when asked to describe her images, she says her aim is to capture “poetic stills of everyday life.” Her body of work shows just how much you can explore with a simple directive.


Eelco Roos

Instagram feed: @croyable

Eelco Roos

Eelco Roos’ Instagram feed offers stunning imagery from exotic locales around the world. This Netherlands native says, “I travel a lot and try to show my followers the beautiful sights on this planet, all done in an honest and natural way.” Roos shoots with his iPhone, using the native camera app, and edits his images with both Snapseed and VSCO Cam. A longtime amateur photographer, Roos’ work has attracted more than 321,000 followers and he has started getting commissioned work during the past year. With images like the one you see above, it’s easy to see why. You can view more of Roos’ work on his site and follow his twitter feed @eelcoroos.




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