Interning Abroad – Why It Is An Experience You Need

Internship Abroad

If you though a regular internship was fun, you haven’t interned abroad. For someone who delights in the thrill of new experiences and meeting new people, an internship is exactly what you need, especially in this ‘learning phase’ of life.

But that’s not all. Interning in another country will certainly make your resume stand out from those in the same field as you. Working in a different country, away from home, can be challenging and daunting, but it is these challenges that will boost your confidence over time. Nothing shows your adaptability like immersing yourself in a new country, and this will certainly come across to all your future employers.

This travel will also enable you to experience new cultures, making you more globally aware. You will learn the nuances of a new language, lifestyle, culture, and workplace behaviour. This will strengthen your soft skills such as effective communication, approachability, emotional intelligence, empathy, adaptability, etc.

Living abroad for a few months sure is a scary process, but it is an experience that will teach you independence like no other. You won’t have mum to cook you a little ‘tiffin’ everyday, do your laundry, or make sure you’ve had all your meals on time. You might get lost trying to find your way and there may be days where you’d be homesick. But throwing yourself into this challenge is the greatest learning experience there is, and conquering it will leave you feeling empowered.

The biggest benefit of interning or even working full-time abroad is the international network you establish. The connections you make there will be vital to your professional career. Because chances are, if you truly like your internship experience, you might look for every opportunity to transform that into a full-time career. These connections open doors for you in your professional circuit – if not your own company, then someone you met and impressed at an event may have kept a keen eye on you, waiting to absorb you into their company.

By definition, an internship means you work with no stipend. However, there are a few leading companies that offer paid internship programs for fresh graduates. For those that don’t, students opt for study abroad programs in conjunction with their internships, to lighten visa, food, housing, or any other expenses. You can seek assistance through family, scholarships, grants, or funded internship programs that may already exist with your college.

Above all the nerve-wracking and demanding lifestyle you might lead, an internship abroad is a fun experience in its entirety. You’ll make new memories, form lasting friendships, have some exciting stories to tell, and even learn a new language or two.

Here is a list of leading companies that offer international internships to students –

  • Deloitte – International Business internship
  • KONE – Various disciplines
  • Goldman Sachs – Summer Analyst Internship
  • The World Bank – Internships in economics, finance, human development, social science, etc.
  • KPMG – Finance Internship
  • L’Oreal – HR Internship in Malaysia


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