In conversation with: Shubha Vilas


Shubha Vilas, author of motivational series Ramayana The Game of Life, reveals the idea behind his engaging books in an interview with Rucha Pawar

Mr. Shubha Vilas

We’ve had many, many, retellings of ancient Hindu mythologies, theatrical and film adaptations notwithstanding. But the true essence and value of these books are generally lost among the generations as time goes by. And yet, somewhere along the line comes people like Shubha Vilas who, with their clear-headed vision and understanding, make our lives simpler and stress-free by providing us with valuable interpretations of mythology. “The books address the needs of a modern man, be it stress, anxiety or relationships; it’s all there in the story of the Ramayana,” says Vilas, who just released his second book in a six volume series called Ramayana The Game of Life.

Shubha Vilas is a motivational speaker and holds a degree in law and engineering. Apart from writing, he spends most of his time interacting with the youth and corporate houses through his seminars. Shattered Dreams, the second book in the series, follows Rama’s experience through his exile period. “Those who are looking for the story of Ramayana will find it here, packed with exciting drama and action,” he explains, “Those who seek wisdom will find it in the footnotes, practical lessons gleaned from various facets of the story.”

In an interview with Rucha Pawar, he opens up about the idea behind the series and why the youth needs to inculcate this knowledge. Excerpts:

What inspired you to write the Ramayana The Game of Life series?
I strongly felt the need to present an epic like Ramayana to the modern audience in a way that they could easily understand and appreciate. Ramayana has a wealth of learning for us; if only it could be presented in an interesting manner.  My only wish was to demonstrate how the ancient epic holds immediate relevance to modern life. And how the wisdom sutras can help navigate and steer the ship of life through stormy seas and clear skies alike. Writing is a very powerful medium to convey a message. The writings of Veer Savarkar were primarily responsible for shaking up the British confidence about their strong hold on India. My desire to serve society with meaningful stories turned me into a writer.

What can the readers learn from Shattered Dreams, the second book?
It narrates the riveting drama of Rama’s exile. Through Rama’s enigmatic persona, the book teaches us how to handle reversals positively; through Bharat’s actions we learn to handle temptations; and through Sita’s courage we explore beyond our comfort zone.

Why did you choose to incorporate other versions of the Ramayana other than that of Valmiki?
Ramayana The Game of Life is an authentic rendition of Ramayana for the contemporary audience. I have kept Valmiki Ramayana as my base and added analogies from Kamba Ramayana, Tulsi das’ Ramacaritramanas and traditional folk tales of the Ramayana that are recited. Thus, the reader will get the best of all aspects of the Ramayana and yet at the same time not find any deviation. I would say this is the book for those who are looking for a pure unadulterated and yet at the same time exciting version of the epic.

Apart from an understanding of how human relationships work, what other lessons can we learn from this book?
Most of us live a self centered life focusing on ‘me, my, mine’. The ego manic mindset is very much prevalent in our world currently. Ravana symbolizes the mood of the people of this age who focus only on self gratification with no thought for the welfare of others. From this we learn the mind set of Ravana and that by adopting it we too are destroying ourselves just like Ravana destroyed himself. In today’s world I find true love absent. The youth can learn a lot about true love from Urmila and Lakshmana. Urmila decided not to be an obstacle in the way of Lakshmana’s service to his brother. She could sacrifice her physical needs because their hearts were close. Physical love is lust whereas emotional love translates into active sacrifice. The footnotes on every page make the book interesting. More so, as they are practical pointers apt for modern audience. So the contemporary wisdom in the footnotes is a must read.

Why do you think that the teachings of our ancient traditions still remain relevant to this day?
Modern audience today is in need of practical wisdom along with clarity rooted in time-tested traditional values. This is exactly what we get from our epics; the ability to arm ourselves with valuable tools to deal with the various twists and turns of our own lives. Thus the name – Ramayana – The Game of Life. Our scriptures teach us how to live life. It’s the same with Ramayana. It presents the realities of life in the most exciting manner. Through Ramayana The Game of Life I have attempted to present the timeless story of Ramayana to the contemporary audience in a way that is entertaining to the heart and enlightening to the intellect.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I don multiple hats, I am primarily a spiritual and motivational speaker, and a writer second. Of course, I am a monk in the ISKCON temple. All my roles are interconnected. My role as a monk inspires me to live a life centered on prayers. Thus all my time is designed to serve society in any and every way I can. Personally, I love to read a lot.

Which genre do you prefer to read?
I read 6-7 books at a time, ranging from Vedic scriptures to management books to autobiographies. My favourite genres include spirituality (but of course), leadership, autobiographies, management, self-help.

How does this book attract the youth?
The youth, today, is totally involved in a materialistic lifestyle, with devastating consequences seen in their emotional health and relationships. Thus the youth will find the relationship portrayals in Ramayana very attractive as it will give them a roadmap to give direction to their own relationships. Moreover, the youth can learn about values from every character of Ramayana. Every relationship in this family drama is a lesson on values applicable in our own lives.



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