Eco Friendly Alternatives To Plastic

plastic alternatives

We’ve packed up little knick-knacks in the house in plastic, or used it for some storage. But with the government’s recent ban on plastic, you’re probably not going to be able to do that anymore. Government ban aside, concerned citizens have been opting for a much more eco-friendly lifestyle given the numerous reports that pop us every day, about the depletion of our environment. If you’re concerned too, here’s what you can do to eliminate plastic from your everyday life –

Cling Film

Whether you’re packing a sandwich for your tiffin or need to store some leftover ones in the fridge, the best alternative to cling film is butter paper, or parchment paper. You can wrap your food in butter paper, and simply secure it using scotch tape. Mind you, this only applies to dry, finger food! Even cheese comes wrapped in cling film, so this alternative will work well with cheese too.


Certain vendors would still be selling plastic bags, but this is where you need to step in. Carry a cloth or paper bag along with you when you’re going grocery shopping, and do not accept the bag that the vendor is giving you. Most of us also have a bad habit of storing vegetables in polythene bags. Instead, use zip-lock bags as these are not only environment-friendly but also ensure that the food item stays fresh for longer.


If you’ve ever hosted a party, you’ve definitely served food and drink in thermocol plates or plastic cups, to save you the hassle of washing the dishes after. But you can still do that with more environmentally friendly options that are available in the market – paper plates, hard paper cups, disposable wooden spoons, and even cutlery that’s made out of disposable palm leaves.

Bin liners

This one’s a struggle, as the bin liners that have graced our dustbins have almost always been plastic. Fortunately for us, there are a lot of companies that have developed eco-friendly bin liners, which you will find on a number of e-commerce sites like Amazon. ‘Green Bug Bags’ is one such company that provides eco-friendly garbage bags. Read more about them here.


One of the world’s largest food chains, McDonalds, has already done away with their plastic straws in favour of paper ones. And the best part about paper straws is that they some in funk prints and colours, which you will find a lot of online or in novelty party shops. Additionally, you can also avail of bamboo or metallic straws. Or the best alternative – don’t use straws at all!


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