Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Career Options

5 Career Options For Those Who Just Love To Talk

Some people just love talking and are gifted with the talent to continuously keep talking. It is one thing they never get...

An Easier Way to MBA

GMAC has launched a new Executive Assessment (EA) test which can be taken by EMBA (Executive MBA) applicants instead of the GMAT or GRE. According...

How Trauma Can Shape A Person’s Future?

Uncovering traumatic incidents in preadolescence could harm brain growth when it's highly vulnerable. Childhood mistreatment cases are common nowadays, and conservative calculations...
Q & A session after presentation

Important Tips To Master The Q & A After Your Presentation

As if talking to a large group of people wasn’t daunting enough, then comes the part where you have to deal with their doubts...

5 Tips for Scaling Your Business in a Competitive Market

The business world is a battlefield where competition is fierce and unrelenting. In such a landscape, scaling your business can be a...

5 Things You Should Never Say In An Interview

In an interview, your prime motive is to create a great impression on the hiring manager. Explaining to him why you are...

How To Build A Successful Career In Jewellery Design In The Era Of AI

Jewellery has been in existence for as long as humans have roamed about on this planet. Right from leaves, bones, and clay...
paranomal enthusiast

You Can Get Paid To Be A Paranormal Enthusiast

Were you a fan of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps? Do ghosts and supernatural elements fascinate you? Do flickering lights, strange noises and the...
event management

6 Traits Of Successful Event Professionals

In the event industry, everyday is a rollercoaster ride. You are either negotiating with vendors, brainstorming ideas that suit a client’s needs and budget...

IBPS SO Exams: Navigating the Path to Success

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts Specialist Officer (SO) exams to recruit talented individuals in various specialized roles within the...