Saturday, June 29, 2024
Sonny Mehta India Scholarship

Aspiring Indian Writers To Benefit From The Sonny Mehta India Scholarship

Those aspiring writers having a flair for writing and want to pursue a serious career in the same, now have an opportunity...
Career tips

Career Tips From Jonah Engler To Help You Emerge Triumphant In 2020

Success is something that almost every individual aspires to achieve. Every individual tries to be at the top of their career at...

The Status of Science

With popular disciplines like finance and management taking front seat, are the pure sciences slowly declining in India? Youth Inc finds out
Decision Science

Decision Science: An Emerging Study For Those Pursuing Data Science

Presently the world is witnessing a crazy influx of data every single second of time. This has become possible due to the...
internship platforms

Top 5 Internship Websites For Students In India

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” These words by famous American actress Helen Hayes seem so simple, and yet they...

Prepping For College?

Every year scores of teenage students set out to pursue higher education in different countries, both at the under graduate and postgraduate level. Students...
toxic work culture

It’s Time We Stop Normalizing Toxic Work Culture

“Don’t stay up for me, I am going to be working till late” is followed by finding yourself stepping inside your house...
blockchain technology

What Is Blockchain Technology And How Can You Establish A Career In It?

If you’re familiar with the concepts of banking, investing, or cryptocurrency over the past years, you might have also heard the term...

How To Go About Building A Career In The Photonics Industry

In an age where technology has been a never-ending ladder towards development and innovation, photonics might be your step on the ladder...
digital marketing

Tips that will help you to add Digital Marketing skills to your Résumé

In an era of constant innovation, evolving platforms, and cutting-edge strategies, it is safe to say that digital marketing has the unique luxury of...