5 Things You Should Never Say In An Interview

Image Credits: LinkedIn

In an interview, your prime motive is to create a great impression on the hiring manager. Explaining to him why you are better than all the other candidates and you are the right person for the job. You have to convey to him your great personality and skills, and the dedication towards your work. But as you’re preparing your responses to the interview questions that will allow you to do all of those things, it is also important to know what the manager will consider a tip-off. After all, a wrong move, and you might lose the job no matter how great your records are.

Here are 5 things you should never say in an interview.

How much will you pay me?

Don’t bring up the salary question first. Mentioning pay can give out an impression that all you are after is money, which is exactly something they should not think about you. There’s plenty to talk about your pay cheque, when you’ve gained more knowledge about your role and can determine a suitable salary range.

So, Tell Me What You Do Around Here?

A very important rule of interviewing is doing research. You need to do your research about the company before you turn up for the interview. Do not go into an interview knowing absolutely nothing about the company or the position you’ve applied for. You must be willing to show that you’re prepared and you’ve done some research.

No negative words about your previous boss

Do not speak negatively about your boss or anyone you’ve worked with in the past. Even if your previous manager could be a horrible person, your interviewer is unaware of that. He might assume that you will be difficult to manage and might worry that you’ll depreciate them at a future job interview.

It’s on My Resume

When the interviewer is asking you a question about your experience or qualifications, don’t answer by saying it’s on my resume. He knows it is on your resume. He wants you to explain your past experience beyond the words mentioned in your resume. Here they are testing your social and communication skills. Are you a good communicator who can easily talk to clients? Can you manage the clients well?

Don’t be too cocky

Chances are, telling a hiring manager a cocky statement or a cliché won’t surprise him. They might think you are very over-confident. It also doesn’t give much of an insight into your true work style or personality. Always remember the motive of the interview. The interviewers are assessing whether you are a great fit for their team or not. In other words, you want to portray yourself as someone who is pleasant to work with.

Remember these points before you show up yourself for an interview. They will help you communicate better and present yourself in a manner acceptable for the organization. All the best for your next interview!!


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