9 Career Ideas to Think About If a Desk Job Isn’t For You

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Image Credits: Independent Newspapers Nigeria

Do you stare at the cubicle wall in boredom and think of quitting?

A desk job isn’t for everyone, and that’s completely fine. If you’re someone who likes to get their hands dirty and work on the field, then it’s time to stop conforming to societal rules and regulations. It’s time to take career matters in your hands that might kick start the creative juices in your head.

Here are a few ideas for you:

Massage Therapist

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Image Credits: Groupon

These days, stress is common among all. This means the demand for massages is also high. A hands-on experience in a soothing spa and some cool skills seems like a worthy career, doesn’t it?


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Image Credits: Arab Migrants Academy

There are a lot of options in trade so it would be pretty senseless to overlook them all. Trade careers include being a Carpenter, Electrician, Mechanic, Welder etc. The list is endless.


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Image Credits: Thoughtco

It is often said, “If you do what you love, then you’ll never work a day in your life.”It works even better when your career is your passion. Combine with a little entrepreneurship with so many outlets and sell those amazing masterpieces to start a business.


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Image Credits: The New York Times

A stagehand’s part might be very behind-the-scenes but the show literally can’t go on without the builder and maintainer of sets for the theatre. Most of the training is on the job, but there are a lot of skills to experience in the field that includes carpentry, design, and painting.


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Image Credits: Inspirations & Celebrations

Hairstyling is an art form on its own. With the right training, a person can join a business, run your own, or even work in the entertainment industry. You could even work on movies or with fashion brands that could elevate your networking circles further.


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Image Credits: HTN

A chef comprises of different job profiles for different cuisines, whether it’s a patisserie chef or a sous chef. This job allows a person to create some trendy food and inculcates an important life skill.

Make-Up Artist

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Image Credits: Foundation for Economic Education

Along with hair styling, makeup is also in demand these days. Almost like an artist for the face, makeup artistry can be taken to professional heights. It’s the perfect job for starting your own business or working your way into the entertainment industries like movie sets, photo shoots, fashion shows etc.

Sign Language Interpreter

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Image Credits: Fresno State

This one may seem unusual but the demand for these has increased over the years with the amplified use of sign language. It’s the kind of job that is a life skill in all walks of our existence.

Child Care Worker

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Image Credits: Discount Foundation

This job is one of the few careers that are not packed with boring and monotonous days. Besides molding young minds to grow up to their full potential, this is the kind of work that leaves you fulfilled at the end of the day.

Who knows? In the next 10 years, new jobs might materialize out of thin air, turning the career notch higher and higher for the coming generation.


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