5 Affordable DIY Home Decor Ideas


Want to give your home a facelift at the fraction of the cost? This article will tell you how to do just that, with things are easily available or probably already lying around your house –


Buntings are perfect to make your room look festive and inviting at any time of the year. And the best part is that you don’t need store-bought ones, you can simply make your own at barely any cost. All you need is some chart paper (you can go in for multiple colours or ones that have prints on them), some ribbon or rope, glue (FeviKwik is your best bet) and scissors. Cut the chart papers into triangles, circle or any shape you’d like, and arrange them in an order of your choice. Stick each piece onto the rope/ribbon, and after you’ve finished, tie a loop at either ends of the bunting so that you can hang it up, or tape it to a favourable surface.

Fairy light jars

If you’re an avid Pinterest user, this one’s a no-brainer! You’ve seen the internet explode with this at one point, and you’ve probably even attempted it. In case you haven’t, here’s what you need to do – use a jar, bottle, or any hollow glass item of your choice. A coloured variant or a cut-work option would make it look much prettier. Your next step is to simply arrange the fairy lights in the jar and voila! You have yourself a customized impromptu night light. It is advisable to keep the jar close to a plug socket, or if you feel like spending the buck, you can invest in wireless fairy lights.

Quote Frames

quote frames

You’ve probably seen a number of these of stationery e-commerce websites, but they almost always cost a bomb. You can achieve the same ‘aesthetic’ with a quick semi-DIY, and the only effort you’re going to need is to zero in on the quote(s) that you want to put up by scouring through Tumblr or Pinterest. If you have a printer at home then this next step gets easier, else you can make a trip to the nearest printing shop and get your quote picture printed out on an A4 sized photo paper. Then, select a frame of your choice and insert the picture of your choice (frames these days are very inexpensive so you won’t have to spend that much).

Hand-painted Pillow Covers

hand printed pillow case

What better way to channel your creative than through art! You can also take this up as a fun project over the weekends, or gather a bunch of friends and have each one of them come up a design. What’s special about engaging in this with your friends it could serve as little keepsakes for you. For this, you will need a pillow, a self-coloured pillowcase and fabric paints. You can go crazy with your imagination and opt for a floral pattern, an abstract one, a quote, or a fun animated pattern. Arrange them around the hall or in the rooms as you wish.

Jewellery Holder

hanger jewellery holder

If you’re a jewellery hoarder and your jewellery always seems to get entangled with each other, this might be the perfect solution for you. All you need is a wooden clothes hanger and some small-sized hooks. You will need to fix the hooks onto the hanger (as shown), for which you can get this done from your local carpenter, or if you’re pretty savvy yourself, you can do this on your own. For a more organized jewellery storage, you can also have separate hangers for necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc.


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