Trends of the Month – June 2014


The most trending stories and videos of the past month

Hey sexy, wear a seatbelt

Trust premier ad agency O&M to come up with a PSA that is both daring and hilarious. The ad features transgenders at a traffic signal teaching motorists the importance of wearing a seatbelt, à la air hostesses.

The PM says farewell

Dr Manmohan Singh bid the country farewell in a short and crisp national broadcast, in which, not surprisingly, he spoke more than he did during his 10-year run as PM. While his words were heavy with emotion, his face was static and his eyes unblinking. He exited as he arrived, like a wooden puppet.

Time to look up

It is characteristic of elders to complain about excessive mobile use among the youth, but unnatural of a peer to do so. The video Look Up is a humble plea from a young man to youth everywhere to leave their phone behind once in a while and enjoy the real world.

NaMo fever goes mobile






The latest manifestation of NaMo worship is Modi Run, an A ndroid game inspired by the evergreen Super Mario. Why is India making a god out of its new PM?!

Sad Batman is sad

The Batman vs Superman film is entertaining us even before its release. Just one teaser image from the film has given birth to a whole range of cracking memes.














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