The Plan B Project


Who: Floyd Fernandes, Rohan Joseph, Vaishav Ravi and Ashtiaq Dalton
What they do: Unscripted weekly comedy podcasts where these friends from college give you a glimpse into their hilarious conversations
Humour Quotient: Rohan calls it “Observational humour about everyday situations and crazy stories”, Vaishak sees it as “The inherent stupidity prevalent in all of us”, while Ashtiaq claims it is “the bestest humour in the whole wide world”

What was Plan A? What made you resort to ‘Plan B’ instead?
Floyd: I don’t th ink we gave that much thought to the title when we started. We were just being ourselves, having a good time, being funny and making people laugh and it seemed like something we all wanted to do. A Plan B to our reg ular careers as such which is Plan A.

Since the four of you are performing together, are there any ego clashes that take place? Do you find yourselves trying to ‘out-funny’ each other?
Floyd: Nah. Remember it’s just like the conversations we had at college. Yeah, I’m sure we all try to be funny. I know I try. But it’s equally funny when we call each other out on our “efforts”. It’s part of any group dynamic I think. But aside from that I’ d really appreciate it guys if you stop editing meou…
Rohan: Also since it is unscripted, when we hear a good joke in the recording it is awesome for the rest of us. So we hope that if one of us doesn’t have something funny to say, one of the other three do.

Who would you like to invite as a guest on your podcast?
Floyd: Ricky Ger vais, Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington together. I personally have really been inspired by the Ricky Gervais Show which followed a similar dynamic.
Rohan: I think Conan would make an awesome guest too.
Vaishak : I was thinking Conan too or Jon Stewart.

Ashtiaq: Simon A mstell from Never Mind the Buzzcocks.

Quick Laughs

When did you realise you were funny?
Vaishak: I d on’t think I am funny. None of this is funny. I just state my astute observations on the phenomenon called ‘life’.

What makes you laugh?
Floyd: Wit, sarcasm like House’s character. Intelligent rants like David Mitchell.
Rohan: Awkward humour like in The Office, Triumph the insult dog.
Vaishak: Arrested Development
Ashtiaq: Aggressive tickling with feathers.

Favourite episode of the Plan B Project…
Floyd: Season 1 Episode 19 – Child s Play.
Rohan & Vaishak: Season 1 Episode 17 – The Collective Consciousness of Men
Ashtiaq: The Wedding 2.0 – We discuss social media nuptials and men marrying themselves.

Is this podcast making you rich?
Floyd: Yes. We wh**e Vaishak out.
Rohan: Not yet, we want to be caref ul with it and make sure we don’t sell out.
Vaishak: Awwww, how considerate Rohan. I will not disappoint you.
Ashtiaq: Yes, “emotionally rich”

Who would you gift a sense of humour to?
Floyd : Indians who go, ” We’re of f ended. Ban it.
Let ‘s Riot.” You’re of fended, SO WHAT ? I’M of f ended you’re of f ended.
Rohan: Manmohan Singh…it would be awesome if the guy who everyone says doesn’t speak at all started ripping on people in the Parliament.


Volume 2 Issue 10


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