The Mavyns


Way back in 2008, during their preband days, a group of musicians ‘found’ themselves in Goa. After gigging it out at local beach shacks, they decided to take their love for music a couple of steps further. A century-old Portuguese bungalow was where their first demo album, aptly titled The Socegado Sessions, came to life with just a basic 4-track mixer! Thus was born The Mavyns, who returned to Mumbai and continued song writing and composing with a reawakened sense of being. The four-piece indie band have brought back old-schoolrock and roll with a touch of blues, folk and jazz, the groovy amalgam of which, has the ability to connect with just about everyone, a sight evident at the band’s live shows.
After sending demo copies to local venues, the band played their first Mumbai gig at Il Terrazo. Soon, opportunity came knocking at their door once more. The live recording of their second huge gig in Mumbai at Blue Frog, turned into the band’s second demo album called Lick the Blue Frog. “We had the material and that really worked for us because we got great response and publicity too,” says Pradeep. Looking back at the band’s common decision to exit the 9-to-5 corporate rut, they feel that they just didn’t enjoy their jobs quite as much as they enjoyed being The Mavyns. “The only challenge we later faced, was money,” says Pradeep. They found it expensive to record the way they really wanted to, felt Kristofor. The band’s debut studio album, From the Tree of No Ledge was well received, though the band had no plans of releasing it as a CD but as a download to save resources. Taking their music to a higher level are plans to associate each of the 13 songs with visual interpretations. The band even had an artist create live visuals to accompany them on stage. They are also known to have impromptu jams with various musicians on stage. Vivek, who designed the album cover, says, “We once jammed with a band called Tribal Flora on the way to the India Surf Festival in Orissa. It was one of those divine cosmic moments when everything came together unforced. The atmosphere was perfect with the rising full moon and the sound of the waves !” Pradeep agrees, saying, “Everybody was there with an open mind. That attitude in itself was a great base for creativity.” “The idea is to be yourself,” quips Vivek. The band reminisces about one of their earlier gigs at the very first edition of Live From the Console. “It was humbling to say the least,” says Vivek. It’s no wonder that The Mavyns with their raw, yet innovative sound are one of India’s most promising indie acts.

Kristofor Paul                           Drums/ Vocal
Vivek Nair                                  Guitar/ Keys/ Vocals
Pradeep Matthews                  Lead guitar/ Vocals
Varoon Nair                               Bass guitar/ Vocals/

Volume 1 Issue 11


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