Marriage Through The Lens Of A Girl: A Fulfilled Dream Or A Lifelong Challenge?

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Marriage: a single term with a zillion emotions attached to it.  A topic that stirs up a whirlpool of emotions in a girl. Just as a girl child is born, the parents start saving in bits to save up for her marriage. Growing up, a girl at some point in life weaves mellow dreams of her marriage. No matter how much a girl denies marriage on the surface, in the concealed corner of her heart, she secretly desires to tie that sacred bond of love and spend the rest of her life in the embrace of an amiable life partner, to surf through the peaks and valleys of life.

While raising a girl, her parents occasionally worry about the kind of life their daughter would be living in her wedlock. To get married is one thing, and to live in a peaceful partnership is another. No matter what the financial circumstances are, every girl is a princess to her parents and is adored unconditionally by them. Hence to brood over her well-being and happiness is something that goes without saying. A mother often spends her time thinking about her daughter’s marriage and her life thereafter. Just the thought of having to live without her little replica and the apple of her eye is enough to cause tears brimming in a mother’s eyes. A father who has a special soft corner for his daughter also cries in isolation at the thought of parting ways with his little princess. 

 Who will be my forever better half? How will he be? How would he treat me? One question or the other always keeps lurking in the back of the mind of every girl before her marriage. A girl might be financially sound and self-sufficient, however, the thought of having a reliable partner by her side, to spend life together is something she is quite sensitive about.

If a girl falls in love and gets married to the man of her liking, she atleast gets a chance to make a choice. But what about someone who has never been in any relationship before and gets arranged in a wedlock with some unknown stranger, with whom she has an entire life to spend?  The risk she has to take to give the wedding a chance is possibly the biggest bet of her entire life. It’s a jackpot if everything turns out to be as she had wished for in marriage but if somehow things don’t turn out as expected and rather take the wrong turn, the wedding becomes a lifelong burden that the girl has to shoulder throughout her life without any emotional fulfilment or satisfaction. Such a situation is no longer a bond of love and understanding, rather it’s a mere obligation and duty to be carried out under compulsion. The thought of having to spend her days under the same roof with a man with whom she shares no common ground would suffocate the girl every day and shackle her happiness and peace. Society might certainly view things as fine and absolutely all well, but what goes on behind closed doors is another story.

It’s better to not get into a wedlock without one’s consent and compliance rather than forcibly plastering a false smile on the face and spending life with someone who does not seem to bring us any emotional peace and contentment. Growing up if our parents could treat us like the most prized possession on earth, then it’s certainly nothing wrong for us to expect the same treatment from our significant other.

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Hi World!! I am Rumpi, an average girl with a bagful of dreams. To feel all the colours of emotion and to write about them is something I am always ever ready to do. I strongly believe in , "If you have an idea then do share it with others" and I write primarily to convey my thoughts as I believe through capturing our thoughts in writing, it can be preserved better through the constraints of time. Almost every other aspect of life is equally enticing to me and I write about everything , be it something as sensitive as women and their role in society or as funny as our carefree childhood memories. Happy reading!!


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