IIT Delhi And ISRO Join Hands To Set Up Space Technology Cell In College Campus

IIT Delhi
Image Credits: Shiksha

IIT Delhi has once again proved to be the dream college of most of the engineering aspirants.  The reason being, its initiatives, attempt to address the student’s concerns, and to provide them with the most advanced resources and methods of study.

The prestigious institution has joined hands with ISRO and planned to set up a space technology cell at the campus, which is aimed to carry out elaborate research projects in the domain of space technology. Not only this, but ISRO has also proposed the college for being its official academic partner in research areas such as artificial intelligence, functional textiles, nanotechnology or any other topic of research that is in common interest with the director of IIT.

The centre is also expected to provide scientific solutions and detailed analysis of India’s first human mission, Gaganyaan. In a press conference, V.Ramgopal Rao, director of IIT Delhi said, “the research centre will take only subjects specific to the domain of space and hopefully provide satisfactory deliverables”. This collaborative initiative will not only bring innovatory technologies in the field of space sciences but will also make it easier for the students of IIT to get a placement at ISRO.

Rao, in an interview, said,” Our billion-dollar endowment drive was inaugurated by the president on October 31st at Rashtrapati Bhawan with an initial commitment of Rs. 255 crore by our alumni”. Declaring the endowment fund board to be the first of its kind in the country, the director also expressed his idea of building professional teams for raising funds.

The final memorandum of understanding (MoU) between was signed on 2nd November, on the day of the 50th Convocation of the institute. Dr. K Sivan, chairman ISRO arrived as the chief guest for the event. According to Rao’s interview in this convocation, two new Masters programs and modifications to NIT undergraduate student admission process into IIT Delhi PhD programs will be introduced. About 1217 and 825 postgraduates and undergraduates will receive their degrees on the same day.

This collaboration between India’s two most honoured institutions has filled all the Indians with the hopes of seeing something extremely innovative and path-breaking which will make the nation to shine bright among the rest.


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