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The college year is coming to an end and you still haven’t figured out what your next step is going to be ? Fret not, LinkedIn is here to help you with campus placements

We spend our time in college either with our books or with our friends, making the most of what we have right now, knowing that in a few months’ time it won’t be the same. You’re right, it won’t. But it isn’t only about not getting to meet you friends as often enough or having so much free time on your hands, it’s also about where you go from here. If you’re fortunate enough to know exactly where you’re headed, then it’s great, march on. But for those of you who spend hours browsing through the endless number of job vacancies, seldom finding one that would combine what you’ve studied and what you would love doing, here’s something new that would make your job easier. LinkedIn has stepped in to give a sigh of relief to freshers’ of India. LinkedIn, world’s largest professional networking website operator, has decided to launch LinkedIn Placements app to offer a golden chance to freshly graduated kids to look and find their first job. LinkedIn has a user base of over 30 million in India, which makes it second largest market after the United States. LinkedIn Placements enable students to apply for jobs from anywhere and anytime and stay informed.
We spoke to Priyanka Lunawat, a student of Welingkar Institute about her views of this initiative. She said,” With the launch of placements initiatives by the World’s largest professional network, LinkedIn, it would make students across India find their jobs easily. A student from anywhere can apply for jobs of his/her preference and can stay informed. The vast platform would not only facilitate placements season but would also help all students to attain their dream jobs.”
Ganesan Venkatasubramanian, head of engineering, LinkedIn India, said, “Our conversations with students, placement officers and recruiters involved in campus placement point to an unmet need for efficiency and effectiveness. We are excited to start this journey to provide a locally developed solution that helps to improve the experience and processes for everyone involved in the entire campus recruitment ecosystem.” We asked Anita Desai, who is a part of the career management cell at Welingkar Institute, the reason behind choosing to be a part of this collaboration. She said, “We were looking for such an opportunity which was presented to us by LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a platform where we can connect with a lot of new companies and also explore the possibilities of getting international internships / placements.”
LinkedIn Placements is completely free of cost for users. With the help of it, students will be able to keep track of suitable jobs and apply accordingly. They will receive real time updates on their applications. Placement officers will be able to organize their data with greater efficiency and see the offers a student gets and recruiters can post jobs and also filter the candidate pool ahead of campus placements.
When asked about the expectations from such an initiative, Anita said “The product is expected to make the entire process live, seamless with minimum manual intervention which will make the process more accurate and less time consuming.” While Priyanka added,” This collaboration would make things simpler for the students, the placement committee in each college and also different recruiters from companies. Often it becomes difficult for a student to land up with a job that he likes. This alliance would be fruitful to all students giving them an opportunity to apply to some brilliant companies that have always been on their wish list.”
Job Search
Fourteen colleges across India have already enrolled for this pilot project. These include Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, D. Y. Patil University, FMS Delhi, ITM group of institutions, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jain University, Kristu Jayanti College, MIT Institute of Design, Mount Carmel College, PESIT College, Presidency College, RVCE College and Welingkar College, Mumbai. As told to the Deccan Herald, Mr. Ganesan said ““The product will help students keep track of suitable jobs and apply accordingly. They will also receive real-time updates on their applications. It will also help students to connect with alumni groups and help them to build their professional networks.
Considering the job scenario after college, Priyanka said, “The job scenario, especially after graduation isn’t very pleasing. Students after graduation look for work experience that adds value when they want to pursue Masters. However, finding a perfect fit becomes challenging. LinkedIn Placement Initiative would help students to aim for a particular job and also, would help recruiters to conquer a diverse talent pool.”


Volume 5 Issue 6


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