Careers For All Those Who Love To Stay Underwater

Image Credits: Thrillist

There is life underwater that is completely different. It is where ecstasy resides. If you believe in this and have an undying love for the oceans, then you must think of pursuing a career that enables you to stay underwater for maximum time. Just like any other field, marine life also has a wide variety of careers to offer. You just need to have a passion and also you must know how to swim!

Marine Biology

underwater biology
Image Credits: Twitter

If you are into studying the life of plants and other living beings, then you can think of becoming a marine biologist. As a marine biologist, you will be expected to study life under the ocean. You will be studying everything from the life of algae to the life of huge sharks. You will also have to study the impact of human activities on lives under the ocean.

To enter this field of profession, you must have a natural inclination and love towards science, especially biology. Further, you will be required to have a bachelor’s degree in biology. Having a master’s and doctorate degree will only pave a wide path further in your life. 

Marine Archeology 

marine archaelogy
Image Credits: NOAA

Have a thing for unravelling the mysteries and secrets? Here is your chance at doing it. A marine archaeologist unfolds the secrets lying under the ocean beds. To become a marine archaeologist, you must be extremely curious and devoted to getting at the bottom of a particular thing. You must own diving and archaeological skills. To take up an archaeological project, you will be expected to have at least a master’s degree in Archeology. A marine archaeologist is expected to travel to different parts of the world to study the ocean/sea beds. They contribute majorly in the preservation of the oceans as they are the ones who convey to the respective officials of everything and anything present within the waters. Besides the normal bachelor’s and master’s degree in archaeology, you might have to take up a few more additional courses. You will also have to take up a scuba diving course in order to carry out exploration underwater.  

Scuba Diving Instructor

underwater scuba diving
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Absolute fun and thrilling career to take, the sport of scuba diving will demand you to be absolutely attentive and careful in order to become a scuba diving instructor. You will need a proper diving certification to carry out this career. What makes this profession more fun is that you get a chance to meet many new individuals who you tutor. In addition to this, you can also be an underwater photographer or filmmaker.  For this, you will also be required to be good with cameras and the knowledge to use them.

Aquatic Veterinarian

Image Credits: Huffpost

Animal lovers are present in abundance but there are very few who perform activities for their welfare. If you love animals, especially marine animals, you can also become an aquatic veterinarian. Dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and other fishes are currently facing the adverse effects of humans’ activities and climate change. By becoming an aquatic veterinarian you can provide the right treatment to these creatures and also come up with safety and preventive measures to preserve the marine life. In this area, you will also plan a dietary plan for marine animals and take care of their fitness. To become an aquatic vet, apart from graduating with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, you will also have to undergo training. You will be supervised by senior vets who will provide you with proper guidance.  

If these careers sound interesting enough and a good reason that lets you stay underwater, you must definitely go ahead with pursuing a career in one of these. 


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