The graduating batch of 2020 is the most unlucky and disadvantaged batch in many aspects. They will not get to sign goodbye notes on each other’s backs, or write letters to each other, or even hug each other one last time. Everything will be virtual for them, even their farewell. There will be no party where they will know that they are gathered there together one final time. Often, we spend one last moment with people, without really knowing that it’s the last time we are meeting them. Sometimes, events like graduation help people to understand that it’s one of their last moments together for a final time. However, the batch of 2020 will not have a graduation ceremony or even a farewell party, as they are in lockdown because of the coronavirus outbreak. Under these circumstances, some goodbyes will never really happen.
We all share a bond with our schools and colleges, the bubbles they created for us, the places like canteen, libraries, classrooms, gardens, football fields, which hold a special value in our lives, are the ones we never truly forget. Even the school uniforms hold importance in our lives, the feelings they evoke, and the sense of solidarity they create. As coronavirus spread, schools and colleges shut down as a precautionary measure, but no one really knew for how long they would remain shut. Nobody had expected them to stay shut for so long as to cancel the celebrations and the farewell parties.
The graduation ceremony, where everyone wears the robe and throws the tassel in the air together, is one of the most awaited events for the graduating batch. As many people of the graduating batch face an uncertain future, with bad employment conditions, and unfavourable economic situation, they also miss out on their biggest celebration. Imagine studying all year long, in the excitement of graduating, to have your name announced on stage, to receive a certificate from the dean, only to realize that the moment will never come. You will not be celebrated like other batches. Many students even looked forward to a Goa trip which will never happen, because of the lockdown.

There were many friends who did not take pictures together, and were awaiting the last graduation photo, or the event like farewell so that they could dress pretty and get good pictures. But those moments are now not going to exist, those chances are not going to come. The batch of 2020 will not be walking college or school corridors for the last time, and it will not share the last tiffin, or food from the canteen, it will not stand for school assembly anymore, or even make fun of their teachers ever again. School or college – as a word will be something they have displaced in their mind, the identity will be forever different. They will not go to institutions as students one last time, they will be alumni forever. They lost their last chance to be students at their institutions on their last days.
However, the batch of 2020, also has a strength, it will never really be a batch which has formally graduated, they will have a bond with the school so deep because they do not know what it truly means to have left the place. Since they did not say goodbyes, they will pretend like everything is the same and try to stay in touch with greater fervor. The batch of 2020, shows that one doesn’t really leave an institution where they studied because they are a part of it forever. It shows that there’s a limited difference between students and alumni. To a greater extent, the batch of 2020 is also expected to be more mature and understanding because they have to lose their moments. Naturally, the batch of 2020 will be more understanding and will not take anything for granted ever again in their lives. The batch of 2020 has also set an example for me for why I need to be more thankful for the things I have had in my life, regardless of the situation. I often shunned my college for not having the grandest farewell, or for not throwing us the best parties, but at least we had them.
In solidarity with the batch of 2020. We respect what you are going through and thank you for everything you have taught us.