Find the perfect online course for you with Courseroot


If you’re on the lookout for information about a particular educational course, Google is probably your first bet to get it. But sifting through scores of information to find the right fit is a very tedious task, and even then, you may struggle to find something to your exact needs.

The newest entrant to the digital world, Course Root, is an online search engine specifically for educational courses. The platform was established to ease the difficulty students and professionals face in finding the right course that meet their specifications, and to help them keep track of newly introduced courses as well.

How it works is that is scans courses on popular platforms like Skillshare, Udacity, Coursera, and Futurelearn. Users can choose from a variety of courses such as Data Science, Business, Economics, Marketing, Science, Lifestyle, Music, etc. One can also filter out the courses based on price, relevance, difficulty, popularity, certification, course duration, and the platform on which these courses are available.

The results will also display the proficiency level of the course, i.e. beginner, intermediate, expert. You can also view the course ratings and reviews. You can even get your hands on a number of courses that are available for free. One of the best features of the platform is that it also allows you to compare different courses without having to open multiple browser tabs.

Online courses have gained their popularity over the years, because of the sheer number of options people can avail of, at multiple levels of study. In addition, it is relatively easier on the pockets and is highly flexible in nature. On can also balance their career, while simultaneously expanding their knowledge and expertise in a particular field



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