Vishnu Raj Menon from Bengaluru was recently crowned as the winner of Mr India World 2016 pageant by Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, in a star-studded ceremony. Viren Barman from Delhi and Altamash Faraz too from Delhi were announced as the first and second runner-up respectively at the finale of the pageant.
Altogether 16 contestants from all over the country had participated and had to go through a variety of grooming sessions that were mentored by Fashion Director Prasad Bidapa, Ace Photographer Amit Khanna and Celebrity Fitness Coach Abbas Ali along with other prominent panelists from the fashion and film industry before the event.
The costume of all the participants was styled by Peter England and celebrity fashion designer Nivedita Saboo.
While talking to the press, Hrithik Roshan said, “This competition is not just about looks. It shows a lot of character. These people, while doing their jobs, took out time and disciplined themselves to reach this far. I think that is commendable. I feel, if they can achieve this, they can achieve whatever they want in life,”
“I wish them lots of love from my heart and more power to them. I know your family must be feeling proud, love to them,” he added.
Apart from Hrithik Roshan others who graced the event included Kirti Kulhari, Gurmeet Choudhary, Debina Bonnerjee, Sana Khan, Madhurimma Tuli, Sharad Kelkar, Freddy Daruwalla, Ankita Shorey, Adah Sharma and others.
Earlier this year, Rohit Khandelwal won the title of Mr World, becoming the first Asian man to do so. Hopefully, Vishnu Raj will follow his footsteps.