Things You Should Prepare For Before You Go To Study Abroad

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One of the most exciting opportunities as a student is to pursue higher studies abroad, to get a taste of a different culture, a new life of independence and adventures. Although the adrenaline that comes from this gives us the motivation to start that new chapter, there are a lot of things that one should prepare for before going to study abroad. It goes without saying that going to a new country with no contacts can easily become very difficult if you don’t prepare yourself for everything. So, here’s a list of everything you need to prepare beforehand so that your experience abroad is hassle-free and less stressful.


This is probably the most important thing to sort and get out of your way before catching your flight to another country. Most universities offer accommodation for undergraduate programs, but very few have the facility readily available for postgraduate students. So, if you don’t have any arrangements for accommodation from your university, make sure you get on the web and do your research to get a place somewhere close to your university. If you have family friends living in the country you’re going to, reach out to them for some guidance as they will know the area better. Alternatively, if you have friends who are going to the same university as you, or to ones closer to your university, you can find accommodation together. This will be cheaper and much easier to figure out with the people you trust. 


Preparing for the weather and taking appropriate clothing is such an essential part of preparing for your abroad experience. Even though it is crucial, a lot of people underestimate the weather and fall sick almost immediately after reaching their destination. Make sure you do enough research about the weather in the country you’ve chosen. Accordingly, pack appropriate clothing so you don’t have too much or too little clothing when you reach. 


Budgeting and financial planning is another crucial thing to learn when you’re going to live independently for the first time. This isn’t something you think of when you’re living with your parents. A few things you should be aware of prior to going abroad are your bank’s international charging fee, your current exchange rate between your home country and the country you’re moving to, and the monetary system of your new home.


Having contacts in a new country will literally save your life. This includes the numbers of friends who are in the same place as you, any family friends or relatives, and also knowing the emergency contact numbers of the country you’re in. Emergency numbers of your school/university are also a good thing to keep with you in case you lose something important or something has happened to you in a foreign country.


Culture shock and homesickness are things that are bound to happen when you go to a foreign country. do keep an open and positive mind about what’s happening around you and ask for help. Don’t isolate yourself and just hope for someone to come along. You have to take responsibility for yourself because you’re now a young adult. Being surrounded by new people may be overwhelming but it is an experience you will probably never have again, so make the most of it! You’re bound to miss home every now and then but friends and family are just a phone call away. 

Going to study abroad gives you the opportunity to grow in confidence and become independent at a very early stage in your life. Make sure you make the right choices and prepare well before taking that huge leap to the next chapter of your life and go to study abroad.


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