The Viral Fever


Who: Arunabh Kumar
What they do: India’s first and biggest online TV for youth. They make parody webisodes based on popular Indian themes
Humour quotient: As they would describe it, “Sab Q-tiyapa hai”

When did The Viral Fever (TVF) start and by whom?
TVF was officially launched on 21 February 2012 with its first show called ‘Rowdies 9 – Sab Q-tiyapa hai’. It was launched as India’s first online TV for youth and is owned and operated by The Viral Fever Media Labs. TVF was founded by Arunabh Kumar, a graduate from IIT Kharag pur.

What does Q-Tiyapa mean?
Q-tiyapa, the term is something which has been very quintessential in terms of the way I see the world as an artist. Every person has a point of view or a perception of the world around him and mine has been slightly twisted since I was a kid. India is a funny country with no sense of humour and Q-tiyapa just defines that. It basically means the humour in al l things insane about this world. If you dissect it in Hindi, then it is basically an addition of the words ‘cuteness’ and ‘ch***yapa’. TV F staunchly believes that you can laugh at possibly everything on the face of this planet, right from the worst written joke to the death of a great man.

What do you think is the funniest element of Indian culture?
Now that’s a really tough question to answer in a few words. I think it is the inherent tendency of mixing a lot of things which is a very quirky attitude we have. I mean, from things like khichdi and namkeen, to the fact that we welcome anyone who came to our country and mixed up with them in the past. We l ike to make khichdi out of everything – be it our constitution, which is capita list as well a s socialist, to the way we adopt languages, etc. We are like all-rounders – bad in everything.

What is the one thing you will never make an episode on and why?
Well, I don’t think there is anything not worth making an episode on. But I guess ‘Crime Against Women’ is something we would tr y and refrain from even remotely in a script, because of the way people may perceive our video and intention, and reach any random conclusions.

Your favourite viral video that’s not on TVF…
My favourite happens to be the one about this Pakistani journalist who is tr ying to read out a message on the eve of Eid at the station. He keeps on getting disturbed. This video simply epitomises the fact that Q-tiyapa can be found anywhere. Plus this one is very near Indian humour. I can watch it as many times as you tell me.

Quick Laughs

When did you realise you were funny?
I think our entire team at TVF ha s been funny since our school days.


What makes you laugh?
Things which don’t seem funny at all to normalpeople. I have even been branded as ‘weird’ at times because of that.

Which is your favourite T VF video/ episode?
Jha.Two (Spoof on Ra.One)

Is TVF making you rich?
Well, mentally, emotionally & creatively, yes! Ha ha.

Who would you gift a sense of humour?
The religious fanatics in our country.

What cam e first, the laugh or the joke?
The joker


Volume 2 Issue 10


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