Quick Fire Interview with Malti Bhojwani


Self-help and personal development books have come a long way in helping many people cope with their losses and personal demons in assisting them with realising their dreams. Don’t Think of a Blue Ball by Malti Bhojwani is one such book, but Malti is not the typical therapist. She is a professional life coach whose long list of credentials establishes that she is a top practitioner. Her book reflects her years of experience. It guides readers in areas as diverse as interpersonal relationships, positivity, love, spirituality, health and gratitude to the universe. At the end, one feels refreshed and recharged.
Don’t Think of a Blue Ball is a must-read for everyone, not just for those
looking for answers.

1. What prompted you to become a life coach?
After my personal journey, I realised the importance of personal development and the benefits of having a coach. I stumbled on life coach training courses about 13 years ago and realised this was my calling.

1. As a life coach, what have been the most difficult and inspiring situations you have had to handle?
The difficult ones are those whose potential and resources I can see but they are not ready to. I get them to connect their body, emotion and language to help them change the way they “see”.
Recently I attended a client’s wedding. She was working on her weight, finding a partner and changing her career, and at the wedding, I saw how she had truly manifested all her desires and it warmed my heart.

2. Apart from your book, which other books would you recommend for those who are seeking help in their lives?
Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is an important book to read. I also recommend A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, T. Harv Eker’s Secret of a Millionaire Mind , Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God and Deepak Chopra’s Synchrodestiny.

3. Do you personally have any favourite books/authors?
I am reading Amish Tripathi’s The Immortals of Meluha and the last book in E.L. James᾽s 50 Shades of Grey series. I also love Dan Brown᾽s books.

4. What tips do you have for the youth of today?
Decide what you want, know what it is and drop the fears of “how”. Let the path unfold, make your decisions and stick by them. You cannot fail if you never give up. Clarify your values and what means the most to you.
This will guide you as you forge towards your dreams. Start now. If not now, then when? – Rs. 295


Volume 2 Issue 4



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