Skyscraper hanging from an asteroid in the sky

Analemma Skyscraper

A New York architecture firm has plans to hang a skyscraper from an asteroid that would roam between the northern and southern hemispheres. The Analemma Tower, which Cloud Architecture Office is calling the “world’s tallest building ever,” would hang from the sky, suspended by air cables attached to an asteroid.

At its peak, Analemma would give residents additional 45 minutes daylight per day at 32,000 meters high, the plans say. The beauty of living in this building is that it will travel in a 24 hours cycle and get back to the same position in the sky daily. Harnessing the power of solar panels based in space and water will be filtered and recycled in a semi-loop system by condensation of the clouds and rainwater makes this an extremely eco-friendly building to live in. But going outside would present problems for residents, as temperatures would reach -40 degrees Celsius in space. So residents might need space suits and a parachute to get in and out of the building. “If the recent boom in residential towers proves that sales price per square foot rises with floor elevation, then Analemma Tower will command record prices, justifying its high cost of construction,” said the designers in an interview with a leading news daily. The company is proposing the tower be constructed in Dubai due to lower costs as compared to New York.

Cloud Architecture Office is also behind plans for the Mars Ice Home, teaming up with NASA to unveil plans on how astronauts could reside on the Red Planet for weeks at a time. Another example of such experiential design is the U-shaped building at New York. New York City-based Oiio Studio aims to stretch the building, which would look like a horseshoe, to 4,000 feet long, which it claims would make it the longest in the world. The structure, known as the Big Bend, would literally bend in the middle to find a way around the city’s strict planning laws.


The building, if completed, would stand 200 feet taller than One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, the current tallest building in New York City.

Representative Diagram of Analemma

Analemma Diagram

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