News Flash (14th October 2020): Top 10 Stories Of The Day

same sex marriage, Delhi HC
Image Credits: Inkl

Delhi HC seeks govt’s response on pleas for same sex marriage registration 

On Wednesday, Delhi HC sought a response from the Centre regarding the pleas from two separate same sex couples. The hearing for the same will take place on Jan 8th. One couple wished to get married under the Special Marriage Act. The second couple got married in the US and are seeking registration for it under the Foreign Marriage Act. They were previously denied registration. 

NASA to launch an experimental satellite made by 3 TN students

experimental satellite, NASA
Image Credits: East Coast Daily English

‘KalamSat’ was developed by three 12th Grade students from Tamil Nadu. The satellite weighs lighter than a smartphone. It aims at demonstrating the performance of 3D- printed carbon fibre. This is the first time that NASA is carrying out an experiment by Indian students. It is also the first time that 3D technology is being used in space. 

DUSU launches online help for UG aspirants

DUSU, online help, same sex
Image Credits: New Indian Express

Delhi University Student Union launched an online multilingual help desk on Monday. It is to help students in Undergraduate admissions during the ongoing lockdown. There are nearly 500 volunteers. They will also provide online counseling. Concerns and doubts are being clarified via email and social media handles. 

Hyderabad records highest rainfall ever in 24 hours

Hyderabad rainfall
Image Credits: Skymet Weather

Many areas of  Hyderabad were flooded due to torrential rainfall. Most places recorded more than 21cm of rainfall. Hyderabad is likely to face more rainfall, although it might be less intense. The rain has led to the collapse of a few brick structures and rain-related accidents. A two day holiday has been declared for private institutions and non-essential workers. The rain was induced by the deep depression over Bay of Bengal.  

Pfizer to include 12-year-old participants in vaccine trial

Pfizer, vaccine trial, same sex
Image Credits: Today Headline

FDA approved the includement of children as young as 12 years to take part in vaccine trials. They want to ensure that the vaccine will be safe and effective for adolescents. Most vaccine trials first include adults. However, this virus has affected children too and they should be left out. They specifically want to include 16-17 year olds and stable patients who have some common infections like HIV. 

Apple will no longer include earphones & power adapter in its box

Apple, Apple box
Image Credits: MacRumours

In an attempt to reduce their environmental footprint, Apple will no longer include earphones and power adapters in their boxes. The company wants to have “net zero climate impact”. This means that the entire process of manufacturing and packaging will be carbon neutral along with device recycling. They want to rely on solar power and more efficient options. However, a power cable will be included in the box which can be plugged into an old wall adapter or a laptop. 

Delhi government urges CBSE to postpone date for exam fee deadline 

CBSE, Delhi government
Image Credits: Shiksha

The Delhi government has urged CBSE to postpone the fee deadline to November 14 instead of October 15. There has been a financial burden on most people due to the pandemic. Even the government cannot pay the examination fee for the current academic year. The Delhi government had taken over the responsibility of paying the Boards examination fee for students last year. Earlier, a waiver for the fee had been requested but the board was unable to do so. 

Delhi air quality falls to “very poor” category 

Delhi air quality
Image Credits: The Indian Express

On Wednesday, Delhi’s air quality index read as 322. AQI between 301 and 400 is considered “very poor”. Several places fell into ‘Hazardous’ levels (AQI is between 401- 500). This was due to an increase in PM 10 and PM 2.5 pollutants. These are minute particles which are hazardous to health. The farm fires in Punjab have also impacted Delhi pollution.  Experts state that these high pollution levels could affect the COVID-19 situation. A ‘green war room’ has been set up to handle the situation. 

CSK defeats SRH, ending their five-match losing streak 

CSK defeats SRH, ipl 2020
Image Credits: ESPN

On Tuesday, Sunrisers Hyderabad lost by 20 runs. They are now in sixth position. This was the second match SRH has lost in a row. CSK had been experiencing a bad season, maybe this win will help them!

Armenia-Azerbaijan fights increasing the spread COVID-19 

Image Credits: Yahoo News

WHO stated that the ongoing conflict is stretching healthcare systems and both countries have seen an increase in the number of cases. Mobilization of troops and displacement of the population will add to the danger of the virus spreading. A spokesman stated that the virus does not respect borders and lines. The conflict between Armenia-Azerbaijan has left about 600 dead so far. 


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