Making connections and expanding your network is prime to establish a strong place in this professional and not to forget, in this highly competitive world. For fresh graduates who have pulled up their socks to embark on their career path, innumerable factors like good grades, sound internship experiences, impressive resume, the ability to communicate well, etc. are going to play a significant role. In addition to all mentioned above, there is one more important factor that needs to be taken care of. Creating a LinkedIn account has become crucial.
LinkedIn is a social platform that lets you build connections and networks with professionals from around the globe. LinkedIn became popular among the professional masses in 2003, yet there remains a large part of the population that isn’t aware of the benefits this platform delivers. Let’s understand.
Why must one have a LinkedIn account?
If you are a college student or a fresh graduate, don’t even question yourself if you really need a LinkedIn account or no. You do need an account!

Having a LinkedIn account:
Helps you find and apply for jobs
Companies and business organisations set up their LinkedIn pages as well on the platform through which they search for prospective employees for their firm. Thus, LinkedIn is a good medium through which you can apply for jobs. Instead of emailing your resume to the companies, here you just have to click a button and your LinkedIn information will be sent automatically to the page of the company.
Allows companies themselves to reach out to you
Even if you haven’t applied for a job, based on your profile, employers will reach out to you after ensuring that your profile matches with the requirement of the company. For this to happen, make sure to build a strong profile.
Lets you build a network with people all around the world
You might never know when a bright opportunity comes and stands in front of you. By establishing yourself well and putting forth your experiences and works, you might also attract people from across the ocean and end up connecting with this. You never know, these connections might blossom into work opportunities as well.
Gives a chance to showcase your qualifications and achievements
LinkedIn is a perfect platform to list down all your educational qualifications, internships undertaken, work experience (if any), activities participated in, projects undertaken, etc. which you think will create a good impression on the visitors of your profile. It is when the visitors go through your profile that they decide to contact you or send you an invitation to connect.
LinkedIn also enables you to stay abreast with the latest happenings and updates in your industry as it provides you with news and blogs that will provide you with enriching information. You too can similarly write and upload things you feel like conveying to your network.
Remember that LinkedIn, though a social network, is built for a completely different purpose as compared to other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Make sure you conduct yourself professionally on this platform.
What makes a LinkedIn profile strong and impressive?

- Your profile picture must look professional. What this means is that your profile picture shouldn’t be a selfie with you pouting or a picture that shows you chilling on the beach or partying with your pals. Your profile must have you looking simple and professional.
- Keep in mind that your LinkedIn profile is like a digital/online resume. List down all your major achievements, internship and work experiences, projects are undertaken, etc. Also, mention the role you played. Be careful of not dumping content. Keep it short, crisp and concise. Anyone who views your profile must find it easy to understand your profile and should be able to easily skim through.
- Connect with the right people. Don’t go about inviting anyone and everyone on the platform to connect. Send an invitation and accept the invitation of only those who think might help you in your career and profession. Connect with groups and people who have similar career and professional interests as you.
- Keep the name of your profile simple. Always use your name itself, instead of using numbers and characters.
- Write a strong headline. It must mention in a few words about you as a professional. It should tell the viewer who you are. Example: Social Media Strategist Looking to Build Strong Connection Between Consumers and Brands with Unique Strategies. Don’t write anything fancy and wacky. Be formal.
- While writing your summary, stay limited to only 2-4 paragraphs. In this, be polite, talk about yourself, let people get to know you through it, add a little personal tone, be careful of not being boastful and overconfident.
- Since LinkedIn too enables you to publish and share posts, start writing/blogging about things that interest you. Make sure it is related to your field of interest and also your connections.
LikedIn, in spite of offering benefits also has its own cons. Make sure you connect carefully and identify which accounts are authentic and which are not. Further, initially, operate a free LinkedIn account. Once your presence on the platform strengthens, you can shift to premium.
LinkedIn currently is a place where all the professionals meet and expand their network. Enter it and be one of them. Don’t be left out, it won’t do any good.