How To Spend Valentine’s Day: The Singles’ Edition

Valentine's Day

It’s hearts all over the world tonight, which is great if you’re coupled up. Singles tend to be part of the forgotten lot on this day, but truth be told, you don’t need a significant other to make the best of this day (or any other day in the year for that matter!). Not sure how to celebrate being single with all the love that’s filling the air? We’ve got you covered. While there are a number of hangout spots in the city with all kinds of offerings for singles, we’ve listed some unique ways to spend this day, that may even be more enjoyable than all the couples out there –

Play some board games

You may always be up for a wild night out but nothing beats a chill evening with your closest pals, without the distraction of blaring music, some good food and addictive board games, especially on V-day. Whether you’re a competitive player or you’re just in it for fun, board games can be therapeutic, exciting and always the life of any party. Wind down with these quaint cafes and celebrate your singlehood with your ride or dies.

Take yourself out for a date

Because why not! Every once in a while, spend time with yourself and your thoughts, and engage in some serious selfcare. Pamper yourself with some retail therapy, catch a latest release, or indulge in some scrumptious food with a good book. This is also a great way to build up some self confidence, or explore some interests you never realized you had.

Learn a new skill

 It’s always handy to have as many skills as you can up your sleeves, and make the best of this day by teaching yourself a skill or two. If you’re smitten by the culinary arts, there are always workshops happening in almost every nook and cranny in your city, everyday, and V-day will certainly have a number of them on the cards. If you want to indulge in your artistic self, treat yourself to a painting, fluid art, or any crafts’ workshop and do just that.

Frolic with your furry friends

What better way to spend your V-day single than to cuddle with some of nature’s greatest gifts to mankind. Puppies and kitties are all you need to melt your heart and what better way to do it than in a room full of these furry babies. Almost every city in the country has a pet café filled with dogs or cats that are more than welcome to multiple cuddles and kisses, and we bet your single self will thank us later!

Stay in and treat yo-self

When all else fails, tuck in and indulge in some good ol’ Netflix and chill. Pamper your skin with some effective skincare treat because even your skin needs some r & r from time to time. While you’re at it, get yourself some yummy treats, sweet or savoury, and just celebrate being boldly single, with this tried and tested measure that will give you all kinds of feel-good vibes.  


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