How Do I Become A Campus Influencer For A Brand?

campus influencer

“JOIN THE MOVEMENT. BECOME A DW CAMPUS INFLUENCER” is what the headline on the global watch company Daniel Wellington’s website states. “To continue building upon the brand’s success, DW is seeking inspiring, motivated students to represent the brand both on and off campus” it adds on. Although this opportunity is open only to U.S students, there are several global and homegrown brands seeking campus influencers in India.

Who Is A Campus Influencer?

If you’re enrolled in college and you influence your friends and peers about anything under the sun. If you’re passionate about certain things, and like talking about it, be it Technology, Fashion, Lifestyle, Food or Fitness, especially on social media, and you have an active audience that’s listening to you (large or small)… You Are An Influencer!

Most of us today are active on Social Media, and our friends and family get inspired by the content we share. It could be as simple as doing a check-in on Facebook with a couple of pictures. This results in your friends finding a cool new restaurant in the neighbourhood, that they’d like to visit. This makes you an influencer, your influence quotient will vary depending on how popular you are online, how good your content & recommendations are, if you genuinely have the power to influence your peers positively. Campus Influencer is a great place to start becoming a Social Media Star.

How Does Being A Campus Influencer Benefit Me?

Imagine attending exclusive events, meeting celebrities, being paid or rewarded for talking about things that you like. You’re an emerging influencer, and brands want to engage you to help them understand and access your peer networks. College students are all generally trend makers and early adopters, and you’re an influencer among them too. Being a Campus Influencer for a brand you love is a great way to monetize your social media, win freebies and make pocket-money for the things you love.

More importantly, being a Campus Influencer is a great way to learn about Social Media Marketing, and Advertising. You get to work closely on a brand campaign and lead it in your campus network. You will in most cases get a certificate or recognition letter for your contributions. Having represented a top brand during your college is a big plus to have on your CV.

When you’re in college, it’s difficult to put a finger at what your passion is but there are a few things you have always liked. Confusion about your career leads you to watch a TED talk where the moral of every single story would urge you to follow your passion. Influencing is a legit career choice today if you get a few steps right early on. The most amazing part is that you can be an Influencer in any category Travel, Lifestyle, Fashion, Food, Fitness, Sports, Art, Technology & Wellness are just some of the things. Most of the social media stars have started young and over years they were able to build an audience through the power of content.

 How Do I Become A Campus Influencer?

The main criteria is really the kind of previous content and engagement that you have received on your social media channels. Most Campus Influencers need to have a minimum of 500 friends/followers on Facebook or Instagram. Your Instagram, Youtube, Blog, Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter profiles speak volumes for who you are. The more active you are, and the more you like talking about the brand or category, the better will be your chances to get selected.

Here are some simple steps that can help you

Find Your Area of Interest:

Especially in college, we always had designated friends when it comes to seeking opinions on important things like: Which mobile phone to buy? What should I wear for the fresher’s party? Or What diet to follow for the gym? The reason this happens is because these people are interested in Technology, Fashion or Fitness and they have ample information about the subject that could help others, and most importantly you TRUST them. That’s the first step of declaring yourself as an influencer. You find your area of interest or passion, and you make it your niche.

Being A Digital Native:

We’re living in a digital world, and everything is moving online and onto social media – be it entertainment, communication, banking or commerce. To be present on social media is one thing, but being credible on social media involves a little bit of effort. You have to consistently share great quality content, and you have to build a trusted followership and circle of friends that appreciates you.

Engage With Brands on Social Media:

Participation in online contests, branded hashtag campaigns, forums or group discussions fuels your growth like nothing else. Taking part in, let’s say, an online photography competition powered by GoPro helps you come up with your unique ideas to create content. This piece of content will be seen in a totally different set of people who are also interested in photography and GoPro which increases your reach and you could win load of freebies. Make it a habit – One participation a week. It’s fun and in turn, you’ll get the benefit of attracting new followers as well.

Can I Turn Influencing Into A Career?

Though it may start as a hobby, but you can embrace your passion for social media and make it a full-fledged career. If done correctly a Social Media Influencer can make more money than what he/she would otherwise make in most conventional jobs. However, if you have other career goals & have found that your passion lies elsewhere, collaborations with big brands always look great on any CV, and the experience and perks are invaluable!


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