For All of Those Who Doodle, We Bet You Did Not Know This about Yourself

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This topic makes me recall the time when, as a student, all my textbooks, apart from the printed text and images, used to be filled with doodles. In between classes, when my capacity to pay attention used to exhaust, my hand used to pick the pen and start drawing, more accurately, doodling. Many a times, my teachers have also caught me doodling during the class and written remarks in my diary.  That however, never stopped me.

Nothing much has changed even today. I still doodle while talking on the call, while waiting for my boss to arrive for a meeting, when I am bored, or just anytime when I have a pen in my hand. I am sure all of you reading this have also done the same.

Many people are of the understanding that those who doodle lack focus and are easy to distract. Ignoring that, here is a good news for all the doodlers. We don’t lack focus nor are we easy to distract. We, in fact are unique and expressive.

Our doodles speak a lot about our inner self. Identify what kind of a person you are and what your doodles indicate:


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Most of us doodle flowers on our books. The very basic reason behind this is that it is the easiest thing to draw. Drawing soft, round and curvy petals of a flower indicate that you are a loving, family centric, and an affable person.

Faces and Emoticons

Image Credits: Aakanksha Ahire

If you draw smiling and happy faces, it means you look for something good and positive in every person. If you draw funny faces, it means you love to be the centre of attraction. Side faces indicates that you are an introvert and like to stay quiet. Drawing ugly faces suggest that you either might be deceitful, or just allergic to humans.


Image Credits: Gabe DeWitt

If your books have dots all over, it means that you are a focused as well as an organized person who likes to get work done in the right way.


Image Credits: Aakanksha Ahire

When you doodle spirals, it means that you are probably thinking about a solution of a particular problem. It means that you believe in sticking to your own business rather than someone else’s. Those who doodle spirals are said to be constantly thinking about solutions or ways to approach/overcome problems or situations in life.


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This can only tell you one thing about yourself. The habit of drawing stars and ladders indicate that you are quiet an ambitious person who always has a goal in mind and constantly thinks of working towards it.   

Name and Signature

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Many people just write their names or keep signing on their books. Such people are believed to love being the centre of attention and are self-centred. Then, there are others who write someone else’s name which indicates that they are thinking about that person.

Many people just write their names or keep signing on their books. Such people are believed to love being the centre of attention and are self-centered. Then, there are others who write someone else’s name which indicates that they are thinking about that person.

There are many other kinds of doodles that speak volumes about a person. What we need to know is that, there is nothing wrong in doodling. In fact the ones who doodle, develop strong thinking quality which helps them in dealing with life in a unique way. Those who doodle, put in a lot of thought into anything they do which ensures clarity of mind.


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