Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Young and The Comatose

Nisarg Kamdar questions why a majority of the youth fail to make their way to the voting booth and yet expect change to take place

Leaders of Tomorrow

AIESEC India's national stakeholders' summit brought together a mix of interesting & notable people who spoke about the importance of the youth as the leaders of tomorrow

Finance Focus

The union budget 2012 has allocated a large portion of funds to education. Youth Inc finds out how the budget affects students

The Technology Trap

As technology gets 'Smarter', humans have become lazier and more anti-social. Beverly pereira identifies this inversely proportionate trend between technology and the human IQ

The English Patient

When students from regional schools move to college, the face one more adjustment compared to the others- that of coping with the English as the first language. Youth Inc digs deeper!

An Equal Footing

A closer look at the scope of human rights reveals the dire need for awareness on what the issue encompasses in today's inhuman and nefarious world.

Is This Development or Destruction?

Student activist megha shah asks if the wanton destruction of slums in the name of development of urban areas is really helping anyone

Stand Up For Your Rights!

In a world where the consumer is supposedly king but is most often made to feel otherwise, Youth Inc shows you how to get justice against brands that fail to satisfy.

The Dilemma of Leadership

I’ve always debated on what really is the best approach to leading organisations and teams. Should you be visionary or should you be practical?...

Go the NPO Way!

So you want to do your bit and give back to society. Youth Inc gives you the ins and outs of starting a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in the fourth of our multi-part 'Make a Difference' Series