The Path To Financial Freedom For Gen Z: Earning From Side Hustle

Side hustle
Image Credit: Freepik

In an era marked by economic uncertainty and rapid technological advancements, the concept of financial freedom has taken centre stage among Gen Z individuals. Born into a digital age characterized by remote work opportunities, this generation is rewriting the rules of economic success. For many Gen Zers, the path to financial freedom lies in the origin of side hustles – a means to supplement income, explore passions, and pave the way towards a more secure financial future.

Side Hustles have gained prominence in recent years, referring to any additional work or income-generating activity pursued alongside a primary job or education. From freelance writing and graphic design to tutoring, social media management, and e-commerce ventures, the endless possibilities for side hustles are endless. 

The Rise of the Side Hustle Economy 

The proliferation of digital platforms has fueled the rise of the side hustle economy. Unlike traditional employment models, side hustles offer flexibility, autonomy, and the potential for exponential growth. For Gen Zers, who value autonomy and purpose in their work, side hustles represent an opportunity to pursue their passions, gain valuable skills, and build a diversified income stream.

The side hustle economy has experienced a remarkable hike in popularity and widespread adoption. Driven by technological advancements, shifting work patterns, and a desire for financial independence. However, as technology advanced and the digital world expanded, new avenues for earning income emerged, giving birth to the era of side hustles. 

Types of Side Hustles 

1- Affiliate Marketing 

It has emerged as a prevalent marketing strategy embraced by brands worldwide. It allows individuals to earn commissions by promoting and selling products on behalf of businesses. This side hustle can be efficiently conducted online, primarily through social media, or marketplaces like Flipkart or Amazon Affiliate Program that enables individuals to select and promote a wide range of products by sharing affiliate links on various platforms. Individuals can earn a commission for every successful purchase by endorsing products and sharing affiliate links. A percentage of the commission is credited to the affiliate marketer’s account whenever a consumer takes action through an affiliate link. 


Skills RequiredDigital Marketing Expertise, Content Creation and Persuasive Writing, Audience Insights and Segmentation, Analytical Proficiency and Tracking, Relationship Building and Networking
Average Earnings₹2.5 LPA 
Time NeededFlexible (The more time you give more money you will get back home)
Useful ResourcesEarnkaro(Affiliate Marketing Platform), Voluum (Tracking Tool), Google Analytics( Traffic Analysis Tool)

2- Content Writing 

Content writing is an excellent choice for a side hustle to earn extra money in India. Whether it involves writing blogs, social media posts, or articles, varying from entertainment, fashion, travel, food, business, finance to politics. Content writing lets you express your ideas through words and engage with diverse audiences. All you need is an internet connection and basic writing skills. Content writing as a side hustle provides significant growth potential, allowing you to expand your expertise beyond your initial niche and explore new areas, can also publish your writing on platforms like Fiver and Medium.  With dedication and skill, content writing could eventually become your primary source of income.


Skills RequiredStrong Writing Proficiency, Thorough Research and Fact Verification, Flexible and Adaptable Writing Style, Knowledge of SEO Principles
Average Earnings₹3.6 LPA 
Time Needed4-5 hours/day
Useful ResourcesGrammarly (Writing Assistance), Yoast SEO Blog (SEO Optimization), Content Marketing Institute (Content Marketing Insights)

3- Teach Online 

Tutoring can be a profitable side hustle if you have expertise in a specific subject or skill. Whether it’s academic subjects or non-academic skills like playing a musical instrument or singing, offering lessons to others allows you to earn a decent income. Online tutoring has recently gained significant popularity, particularly during the pandemic. This has resulted in numerous online tutoring platforms that enable you to monetize your teaching abilities. Setting up your online tutoring business from the comfort of your home has become increasingly convenient.


Skills RequiredStrong communication, Flexibility, Technology proficiency, Subject expertise, Creativity, Time management, and Interpersonal skills
Average Earnings₹2.9 LPA 
Time Needed5-6 hours/day
Useful ResourcesZoom ( for Video Calling), UpGrad, Edureka (Online tutoring platforms)

4- Virtual Assistant 

A virtual assistant is crucial in providing administrative support to businesses remotely. Their role and responsibilities encompass administration, bookkeeping, social media management, appointment scheduling, email handling, and schedule management. They often serve as executive secretaries, assisting business owners with various projects. The demand for virtual assistants has experienced a significant surge, making it easy to find job opportunities on platforms like and others. You can secure virtual assistant positions by registering on these platforms and can earn an ample amount of income. 


Skills RequiredOutstanding Communication Proficiency, Effective Organizational Abilities, Adeptness in Technology, Efficient Time Management, Analytical Problem-Solving and Flexibility
Average Earnings₹3.1 LPA 
Time Needed4-5 hours/day
Useful ResourcesUdemy, Coursera, Linkedin Learning (Online Courses and Platforms), 

5- Become an Influencer 

Becoming an influencer is undoubtedly a popular and profitable side hustle in today’s digital age, primarily building a substantial following on social media platforms. Influencers, often called social media royalty, earn money by sharing sponsored posts and collaboration posts on Instagram. This side hustle offers a chance to make money and provides an avenue for fame and recognition.

The income potential as an influencer is directly linked to your content’s number of followers and views. You can attract a dedicated following by creating high-quality and engaging content in areas you excel, such as styling, DIY, cooking, dancing, and more. As an influencer, you can earn approximately ₹15,000 to ₹30,000 per sponsored post, depending on various factors.


Skills RequiredContent Creation and Creativity, Social Media Savviness and Branding, Audience Engagement and Relationship Building
Average EarningsNo limit
Time Needed4-5 hours/day
Useful ResourcesCanva, Inshot and Adobe Premiere Rush (Content Creation Tools), Buffer, Hootsuite, and Later (Social Media Scheduling and Management Tools)

6- Sell Handmade Goods 

If you possess creative skills and enjoy crafting handmade goods, starting an online business selling your creations can be a fantastic side hustle opportunity. Whether you excel in decorative items, food-related products, knitting, painting, or any other craft, you can turn your hobby into a profitable venture. Establish an online presence through platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or your website to reach appropriate customers. Use social media platforms to showcase your products, engage with customers, and build an authentic following. Marketing also plays a crucial role in the success of your handmade business.


Skills RequiredCraftsmanship and Quality Assurance, Business and Marketing Skills, Customer Service and Relationship Building, Digital Marketing and Online Presence
Average EarningsNo limit
Time Needed4-5 hours/day
Useful ResourcesEtsy, Amazon Handmade, Bonanza, iCraft, Folksy (Online marketplaces)

Challenges In Side-Hustle 

  • Balancing your time- The most apparent challenge of side hustling is time management. Between a full-time job, personal commitments, and the added responsibilities of a side hustle, finding a workable balance can seem like a rigorous task. To manage your time effectively, start by prioritising your tasks across all your commitments. 
  • Financial Management- A side hustle can provide an additional income stream, but it also comes with its own set of financial complexities. Depending on your hustle, you might have to deal with variable income, additional taxes, and increased expenses. Therefore, effective financial management is crucial. Start by keeping your personal and business finances separate, and track income and expenses. 
  • Building a Client Base- Regardless of the nature of your side hustle, attracting and retaining customers or clients is crucial for your success. Effective marketing is a key factor in building a client base. Leverage social media platforms to promote your business and engage with potential customers. Creating a strong brand identity can also help attract and retain clients. Ensure your brand messaging is consistent and accurately reflects your business values and offerings. 

These online side hustles offer a range of options for individuals to earn extra income based on their skills can be things you enjoy like photography, fashion styling, personal shopping or as simple as babysitting. This also comes with challenges so overcoming those challenges and maximizing success should be prior. Embracing side hustle jobs allows you to learn, grow, and generate additional cash flow by utilizing proper resources. These opportunities can create a lifestyle that aligns with your goals and ambitions, along with managing your educational materials or personal life.


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