Monday, December 23, 2024
Ugesh Sarcar

Mind Over Matter

While exploring the art of magic, the Emperor of magic, Ugesh Sarcar talks to Pearl Mathias about how fascinating the mind is and what performing...
Dr. Vasudevan, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of New Hampshire

Interview with University of New Hampshire’s Dr. PT Vasudevan

Dr. PT (Vasu) Vasudevan is the Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire....

That Parson’s Life

Our editor-in-chief, Nitish Shah in an exclusive chat with David E. Van Zandt, President of Parson’s New School, New York How did you choose Mumbai as a base for the Parsons School...

The Pros And Cons Of Multitasking

In a world as hurried as ours, multitasking is a must. But is it really helping us at all? Is multitasking slowing us down instead of...

The Gap Year Dilemma

With a large number of college students preparing themselves for post graduation options and carefully selecting prospective career decisions, taking a gap year to allow them...
Khan Academy

In conversation with: Salman Khan, Founder and Executive Director of Khan Academy

Khan Academy specializes in a personalized learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Their...

Indian in a Nutshell

Witty and well-read Sriram Karri is out with his next novel: the powerful and intriguing Autobiography of a Mad Nation, a story of patriotic friends in a nation that is...

In conversation with: Shubha Vilas

Shubha Vilas, author of motivational series Ramayana – The Game of Life, reveals the idea behind his engaging books in an interview with Rucha...