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There’s always a major confusion over what undergraduate program to pursue. Sometimes it feels like the option you are looking for isn’t available and sometimes you don’t know which course is best for you. To make this decision easier, Youth Inc lists the undergraduate courses available in India.

Adolescence is a really difficult time of anyone’s life. It may not be the most difficult phase but it would certainly rank in the top three nerve-wracking time frames for anyone looking back at how their life has panned out. While the emotional and physical turmoil is a  tigma that comes with the term ‘adolescence’ itself, the professional turmoil is a pressure which everyone feels at about the same age and it is followed by confusion and tension. The reason for this? All across India, countless boys and girls in the age group of 12-14 years will be picking their undergraduate programs which will shape their future in terms of professional life and career. In India, doing well academically in the first stage of life and then following suit in a professional capacity are imposed as the mirrors of an overall successful life. It is a huge pressure on the shoulders of someone who is just stepping into a confusing part of their life to pick the right option that will decide the direction in which the next 45 years of their life will go. Quite often, we are aware of what we want to do with our lives. We know what field we want to work in and what kind of job profile we expect to have 20 years in the future. But  the questions that need to be answered are – How do you get there? How do you pick the right option? What is the right option? And all this begins with choosing the right undergraduate course. To pick the right undergraduate course, it is important to know which field you want to get into and the exact direction you should be taking. If you have your goal in mind, you will just have to take the right steps to reach that goal, and the first of those steps is the undergraduate course you pick. The problem with picking the right course is that most people aren’t aware of the abundance in options. They may pick a standard course like Bachelor of Arts and then move into a career of journalism when in fact, they could have done a specialised course like Bachelor of Mass Communication. Or someone may be unaware that they could pick a specification like Taxation in Bachelor of Commerce if they are looking for a career in property tax laws, or a specialisation in foreign trade to be able to focus on international trade.

There is no dearth of options in undergraduate courses in India and there are even more specialisations within the degrees. It is only a matter of finding out which course is available and where. So in our cover story, we have broken down a list of all the undergraduate programs available in India and strained them so it will be easy for you to pick which course seems to suit your need appropriately. It is always wise to pick the option that suits you best, it all depends on the stream you want to work in and the career path you have picked for yourself.

Grab a copy of our January issue to read more…


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