Wordzone – January 2014


The Constitution of India is the world’s lengthiest written constitution consisting of 395 articles and 8 schedules. It was drafted in August 1947 by the Constitution Drafting Committee. It has been amended 94 times since it came into force on 26 January 1950


Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence.

1. Preamble (pree-am-buhl)
The ____to the Constitution is a short statement about the basic purposes and guiding principles.
(a) prologue (b) epilogue (c) interlude

2. Sovereign (sov-er-in)
In 1954, Germany was declared a ___ state when the United States, Britain and France ended their military operation.
(a) qualified (b)independent (c) dependent

3. Egalitarian (ih-gal-i-tair-ee-uhn)
Even though most of its citizens are still subject to racial, gender and economic discrimination, America is considered an _____ society.
(a) indifferent (b) equitable (c)anarchic

4. Secular (sek-yuh-ler)
The migration of people from different cultural backgrounds has been instrumental in converting many once religious states to ____ ones.
(a) spiritual (b) frantic (c) non-religious

5. Impeached (im-peech-ed)
The disgraced governor was ____ after he was found guilty of misappropriating public funds.
(a) commended (b)elated(c) indicted

1. A, 2. B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C

Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain the previous answer. You may arrange the words with a new letter.
Hint: Start from the top

1.To stop to live 2.To limit the amount of food to reduce weight 3.The rise and fall of ocean waters
4. To stop from action or proceeding
5. To disagree with or differ in opinion
6. Expands, stretches or bloats
7. A person who disagrees or challenges

1.To stop to live

2.To limit the amount of food to reduce weight

3.The rise and fall of ocean waters

4. To stop from action or proceeding

5. To disagree with or differ in opinion

6. Expands, stretches or bloats

7. A person who disagrees or challenges



Volume 3 Issue 7


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