Whistling Woods International gets awarded!



Meghna Ghai Puri recieving award at SkillTree Consortium

Whistling Woods International, known for its academically acclaimed courses in the sphere of media and fashion has made the country proud yet again.

On 24 June 2014, the college was awarded with a certificate of recognition by Skilltree Knowledge Consortium.  The award was presented to the colleges’ President Meghna Ghai Puri by Bob Blackman a member of Parliment of the House of Commons, London, UK dubbing it a great place to study in India. The recognition is a result of Whistling Woods’ contribution to the growth of the Indian education system and aim to maintain global standards.

Of the prestigious recognition Meghan Ghai Puri says, “I am honored on being recognized for WWI, a school that is committed to have the finest educators working toward sharpening talent with skills to succeed.”

Ever since the school was founded in 2006 it has been the centre of the a number of awards and achievements. Known as one of the 10 best film schools in the world by The Hollywood Reporter, the school is indeed worthy of all the praise and recognition it has received. Kudos!


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