Umang 2013: One life to live


When was the last time you did something for the first time? Life does not come with any promises, what you make of it depends on you. So make memories, conquer your fears, and mostly learn something new. And remember each second you spend frowning is a second of happiness that will never come back. And that is precisely what Umang 2013 ‘One Life To Live’ is all about. Life is what you make of it. Everyone has only one life to live and we at Umang will make sure you live it right. Umang, the inter collegiate festival of NM college is back in its 14th year to make sure you live life to the fullest. With stupendous events,mind-boggling workshops and much more,Umang is bound to be a fun-filled affair. Umang has various events ranging from Literary Arts to Management ∞ Fest, from dance and dramatics to gaming. Crazy pronites, fun games, and chiller lounges are bound to leave college students spellbound.

So make sure to embark onto this adventure of life and find something that amazes you at every turn.No matter what you prefer, Umang has something in store for you! So make sure you’re present from the 15th-17th of August at NM college cause we promise to leave you spellbound. Reach for moo-re as this is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be. They say your whole life flashes before your eyes so much sure you make it worth watch at Umang 2013.



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