Trends Of The Month – February 2015


Charlie Hebdo publishes first edition after the massacre
It took only a week for French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo to bounce back up af ter the at tack on their office that killed 11. They repor tedly published nearly five million copies of their subsequent edition; people had to wait for over an hour to get the magazine, and many stores all over France had to put up a ‘sold out ’ sign soon after they ran out of copies. Is that a show of resilience or chutzpah?

Ronaldo Ballon d'Or

Ronaldo wins Ballon d’Or
Cristiano Ronaldo gave all his fans a very emotional moment this month when he the won Ballon d’Or 2014. To receive the award, he took his son to the stage along with him, and gave an emotional speech, thanking his team, girlfriend and son. The whole world went ‘aww’ when he choked up and tears rolled down his eyes.




Censor Board Cheif resigns followed by eight other people
Censor Board Chief Leela Samson resigned due to a dispute over the controversial god-man film ‘Messenger of God’, followed by eight other people, citing government interference, lack of funds and being humiliated as the major reasons. This controversy was the Sakshi Maharaj: every woman must produce four kids Unnao MP Sakshi Maharaj has a brilliant idea to protect his religion: every Hindu woman must produce at least four children. Af ter all, India belongs to the Hindus and will always be owned by them (according to him). Yes, Sakshi Maharaj, India is last straw. totally not the second most populated country in the world.

Sakshi_Maharaj-httpwww.fakingnews.firstpost.com201501leaders-asking-to-produce-more-kids-working-on-interstellar-type-mission-to-find-planets-to-accommodate-extra-hindusSakshi Maharaj: every woman must produce four kids
Unnao MP Sakshi Maharaj has a brilliant idea to protect his religion: every Hindu woman must produce at least four children. Af ter all, India belongs to the Hindus and will always be owned by them (according to him). Yes, Sakshi Maharaj, India is totally not the second most populated country in the world.








Volume 4 Issue 8


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